Making the Everyday Beautiful – The Art of Loving Your Life

I am taking part in a mass blogging tour where I respond to the question – what is it that makes your life poetic? How do you find beauty in every day? 

Let’s be honest. It’s tough these days to think of life as poetry. Unless that poetry is miserable. I am unemployed. My computer is on the fritz and even as I type out this post I know that I have a little under a few hours to get as much as I can done before it crashes. I have been so close to adding a donation button to my blog to encourage people to donate to the “get me a new laptop” fund. I won’t though. That would be wrong…right? 

Not to mention I’m writing out this post on a Monday and Monday’s are never a good day to try and look at things positively. But I will, because I promised to be part of this tour.

So, how do you find poetry and beauty in the everyday when some days are just down right crappy? Well, I’ve been told by many that I’m the most positive person they know. I realized it’s because I know how to look for the silver lining in the clouds. And really, there’s a lot of silver lining when you start to look for it.  The everyday things really can be wonderful. 

I like lists. So, I’ll make a list of just a few wonderful things for me today:

1) Coffee in the morning

Who doesn’t love to wake up to coffee? It’s such a hopeful smell. I feel like I’m in a Folgers commercial when I wake up. Or a cartoon and the coffee smell is drawing me out of bed. Except for this morning when the coffee smell didn’t wake me up and I woke up to a sludge-mix of supposed coffee because I was so tired last night that I forgot to replace the garbage grains for new grains. But remember…silver lining people. Coffee = good.

2) A brand new notebook.

I bought a new notebook last night and I don’t know why but the clean pages of a new notebook (nothing fancy really) leaves me feeling inspired. Like I want to go out and fill those pages with beautiful prolific words that inspire.

3) Not having writer’s block.

I remember a couple of years ago…actually less, this time last year actually, I struggled a lot with writer’s block and not feeling inspired. These days I can’t say that at all. I am inspired and even though some ideas never get off the ground or I just get a sentence or two down at night, I am writing more these days than I have in a long time and that is a very good feeling.

4) My family

I am very close to my family and I wouldn’t want to trade my relationship with my mom and two brothers for anything in this world. We’ve been through a lot together and the honesty, love, and support we share means so much to me. 

5) The rain

Call me crazy but I love the rain and right now I am staring out a window and watching the rain fall. Since it’s may it’s not really cold and it’s comfortable to walk.  It’s cool outside and smells like green. The only way it can when it rains. And I love it. I wish it could stay this way all summer. And while I do love the sunshine, I love the rain a little bit more. It seems to bring peace while sunshine brings unbridled energy. And these days I just love that peace.

And that is just five things from the top of my head. And when you look around there is poetry in everyday life – music, smiles from a stranger, books, reaching a goal, daydreaming, smell of clean laundry…I can just go on. And if you are going through a tough time right now, don’t forget to look at the small things that bring you joy. Because at the end of the day that is truly what matters.

Reason Behind Today’s Post

I wrote today’s post as part of the WOW-Women on Writing’s “The Art of Loving Your Life” Blanket Tour celebrating the release of Chique Secrets of Dolce Amore by Barbara Conelli.

Barbara Conelli is an internationally published bestselling author, seasoned travel writer specializing in Italy. In her charming, delightful and humorous Chique Books filled with Italian passion, Barb invites women to explore Italy from the comfort of their home with elegance, grace and style, encouraging them to live their own Dolce Vita no matter where they are in the world.

Her latest book, Chique Secrets of Dolce Amore offers an intimate view into the unpredictable and extravagant city of Milan, its glamorous feminine secrets, the everyday magic of its dreamy streets, the passionate romance of its elegant hideaways, and the sweet Italian art of delightfully falling in love with your life wherever you go.

To read Barbara’s post about loving life and view a list of other blogs participating in The Art of Loving Your Life tour please visit The Muffin (

If you comment on today’s post on this blog or any of the others participating in The Art of Loving Your Life tour, you’ll be entered to win a signed copy of Chique Secrets of Dolce Amore!

How do you find joy and beauty in the everyday? What have you discovered today that makes life poetry? 

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12 thoughts on “Making the Everyday Beautiful – The Art of Loving Your Life

  1. I can certainly relate to your plight as I am just coming out of a rut myself.

    How do I find joy and beauty in the everyday? What have I discovered today that makes life poetry? Boy you make it tough for an unimaginative, insensitive, a-hole like me.

    I find beauty and joy by breathing. I had to think hard about that! Initially I couldn't think of anything then I thought about the criteria and suddenly realised I could find some form of beauty and joy in most everything. Simplistically the act of breathing and knowing I am alive stimulates the beauty and joy I find it everything else.

    This in itself answers the second question but that seems a bit of a cop out so looking at in laterally I discovered and can hold my breath for 1 munite and 28 seconds, ergo cannot be without beauty or joy for longer than that (unless I was under water then I might have tried a bit harder).

    1. I'm impressed! You can hold your breath for over a minute? I can barely for 30 seconds without feeling like my head will explode. But you're right, the simple state of being alive is gift enough. And that isn't a cop out at all. 🙂

    1. Thanks! Feels a little like that Nemo song. "Just keep breathing! Just keep breathing! Just keep breathing!"

  2. I love the things you love. It's true. When the day isn't going your way things like coffee, family and rain allways cheer you up. Nice post!

  3. The problem with always finding beauty is that many I know will not allow for anyone who has a bad day with their chipperness!

    1. Oh no! That's definitely not me. I'm always open to listening to a person's bad day. I have them myself. 🙂

  4. Staying positive can be a challenge – it is great how you can find inspiration and strength (especially on a Monday). I can totally understand #1 and #5.

    1. Thanks E.D. Monday's are the worst, too. Now I'm hoping I find a job to keep up my positive spirit!

  5. Thank you for participating in my blog tour! I love your list, and I appreciate you sharing it. Life's good, after all!

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