I have been tagged by L.J. over at her blog L.J. Writes for the Lucky 7 Meme! And as dorky as this will sound, I have been really looking forward to this challenge too. So, I’m so glad that she tagged me!

Here are the rules:

1. Go to page 77 of your current MS/WIP
2. Go to line 7
3. Copy down the next 7 lines, sentences, or paragraphs, and post them as they’re written.
4. Tag 7 authors
5. Let them know

And here are the seven lines to my finished draft (you know I had to say that) to A Light Burns at Midnight:

“What’s going on?” Urgo asked.

“Talia…she’s…I don’t know.” Mert stuttered.

“Something is going on…” 

….Talia was inside that place again, and she felt the eyes of someone watching her…

“Talia! What is going on inside her Ochre?” Equinox shouted, becoming enraged.

“This is not of my doing. What was she doing, Mert?”

“I-I-I….I was just instructing her on how to use her gift…”

Okay! That’s it! I’m definitely excited for the next stage of my book and I think I ready to start editing. Before I do that though I have to configure the world I created a bit more and restructure things. I am thinking of writing out the history of this world and writing the rules of the magic out a bit more. 

Now to tag the next 7 writers for this:

1) E.D. at (Not) Just Another Writer
2) Samantha at Writing Through College
3) Unpublished Life
4) Lara Schiffbauer at Motivation for Creation.
5) Sandra Tyler at Writer Weaves a Tale
6) Ashley Chappell at Notes from the Canvas
7) and Stacy S. Jensen!

So make sure you check out these bloggers and I can’t wait to read their WIP Lucky 7!

Happy writing!

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9 thoughts on “Lucky 7 Challenge!

  1. Awww, dang it!! ๐Ÿ™‚ Thank you though! I love being tagged in these things, I was beginning to think I was getting ignored!! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Thanks Lena!! It definitely is a draft though. So, this bit of dialogue may not be my best representation (especially this is from the portion that I wrote a long time ago!) ๐Ÿ™‚ So, can you tell I'm a little self conscious about it? ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Thanks for tagging me, Nicole! I wanted to do this one, too! You slipped the tag in, as another friend got me, too, but you still get credit! I know about feeling self-conscious. I was wondering what the heck was going on, though. Very curious dialogue!

  3. Aloha Nicole,

    Thanks for the follow and am doing the same!

    PS. I agree with you: Cassie's post was awesome and they're a great couple ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Thanks Lara and LJ!! I have to say, although I know that my story does need work, I'm quite proud of my action scenes in this. I have quite a few scenes where I'm switching location of the main character (not physically, but mentally), so I want to make sure that they come across right.

    Well, the gift they are talking about is what they call Talia's ability to sense, utilize, and manipulate the energy in the world she lives in. She is one of the more highly "intuitive" so to speak users and it includes being able to utilize the elements (such as water, or earth) to drawing strength from within to gain strength in battle to causing pain in another. It also contains dark magic, (such as manipulatin tactics) which is where the danger lies. ๐Ÿ™‚

    @Mark – Thanks for the follow Mark! ๐Ÿ™‚

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