As part of my ongoing series reporting on my experiences taking public transportation and sharing the people who prove to be great characters themselves, I share with you today a moment of kindness among strangers.

In the end, only kindness matters
While I was on the bus one afternoon, coming home from college, I listened to a woman who spent her entire time on the bus, speaking with a man who suffered with autism. When he got off the bus, the bus driver told her, “You were very good with him.” The woman started to cry and told the driver she had an autistic son of her own.
That day I was reminded that there is kindness out there, even though sometimes it can be hard to find. Be kind today. You never know how much a smile or a small moment of kindness like this can make a difference to one person. And don’t forget that the most touching stories can begin in the most unexpected places. Share your act of kindness today, whether it be non-fiction, fiction or poetry. 

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10 thoughts on “Kindness Among Strangers

    1. It is! I'm becoming much more observant as a result and its a good feeling. I'm glad you are enjoying it! 🙂

    1. Aww thanks Jenn!! And I had no idea about that actually when I did do the post! So I'm so glad for my timing!

  1. Nicole,
    That is lovely! I am going to put that quote on my chalk board at my entry way!


  2. Nice post. You might like this Wordsworth quote about little acts of kindness. Carole's Chatter blogspot Acts of Kindness

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