#IWSG What Kind of Stories Do I Want to Tell?

I receive monthly prompts through the Insecure Writer’s Support Group newsletter (sign up here!) l With everything going on in the world and in my own life, I haven’t felt led to respond to the prompt proposed every month. But the one for June definitely spoke to me and I wanted to reflect on that.

The #IWSG says, “Writers have secrets! What are one or two of yours, something readers would never know from your work?”

This made me think, not because I have secrets that I’m hiding, but what I worry about often when I write is that readers wouldn’t know that I am Christian from my writing. I’m not what I would consider a Christian writer, in terms of writing only stories from the lens of my faith. However, my Christian faith does often guide the message I realize I’m trying to put across in my stories. Does that make sense?

This has evolved over time, though. Two of the stories I am trying to get published right now are guided by my faith than some of my other work.

I still let my creativity do its own work as I write the first draft and sometimes I uncover the hidden meaning of the story – usually, a message that goes right back to my faith – well after I’ve finished the story.

All of this makes me wonder, what type of writer do I want to be? What kind of stories do I want to tell? I think that can only be answered with one thing – more writing.

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12 thoughts on “#IWSG What Kind of Stories Do I Want to Tell?

  1. I've never read your work but I think it would be difficult to be a Christian and not let that influence your writing. I also agree that more writing will decide what kind of writer you're meant to be as far as genre is considered. I'm glad you decided to blog today, Nicole. Happy IWSG Wednesday.

  2. I agree that writing more will help you find out who you are as a writer. And it may be someone in different genres. I'm actually thinking of branching out in future projects. And you have decide how much of your faith should go in your stories.

  3. I'm also a Christian. My stories often have an underlying Christian themes, as this just how my stories tend to come out, although I don't really write for the Christian market. Have you read the book, Roaring Lambs? (Robert Briner) It's about Christians writing and creating for the secular market. It was very inspiring to me.

    1. Oh I am absolutely going to check that book out! Thank you so much for visiting. If you ever want to exchange work, feel free to send me a note!

  4. As a new writer who is a Christian, let me just say that I totally understand. Keep writing and let your faith and values influence what you do – just like everything in life.

  5. I hope that my Christianity comes through in my work. I try to reflect my own values in my characters even though I also don't write Christian fiction. I'm sure you do the same and your faith comes through.

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