I am so ashamed to say that I keep forgetting to thank those fellow bloggers that have awarded me! I know I am missing a couple others, so I apologize in advance.

But bloggers My Unpublished Life and Lena over at Pearldrops on the Page have given me blogs awards!

They both actually gave me the Leibster blog award –

First things first – eleven facts about me!
1) I like working on the re-write of my fantasy novel on my bus ride home. I’m on Chapter 7 and I will freak out like no tomorrow if this year doesn’t end with that damn fantasy re-write done.
2) I recently quit a ghostwriting job that I was proud to write about being okay with back in February. I didn’t quit because of ghostwriting, though, but because I just didn’t get along with the person I was working for. I can’t take that much rudeness and lack of respect for very long.
3) I write an anonymous blog where only three people know it’s me who write it.
4) I have started coloring with pastels in a sketch notebook I bought on accident. I’m terrible at it, though.
5) I tend to stress out over what I write in birthday cards.
6) My favorite book series lately is the Unwind series.
7) I play the lottery once a week.
8) I have a really ugly bunion and corn on my left foot. I also have ugly feet and have never gotten a pedicure.
9) I splintered the screen of my iPhone last November and still haven’t replaced it.
10) I’m a night owl and an early bird.
11) My new favorite song is “Carry On” by Fun.
Okay! That’s the facts about me – now for the questions. It’s two parts so here’s what Lena wanted me to answer –

1.      What is your favorite character you have written and please explain why.

Faceless Woman. She’s the primary evil in my fantasy novel and every time she is in a scene I love writing it. She’s got a wickedness about her that takes joy in tormenting the main character and for some reason I love writing those scenes. That’s very creepy, I know.


2.      Who is your favorite author, what is your favorite novel and what is your favorite movie?

Favorite author – J.R.R. Tolkien; Favorite Novel: I Know This Much is True; Favorite Movie: Steel Magnolias.

3.      If you could meet any famous person in the world and have dinner with them, who 
         would it be and why?

Stephen King – I want to talk with him about the characters he writes and any feedback he can give me on my writing.

4.      If you had three wishes, what would they be and why?

For my oldest brother to find a job, for my second oldest brother to be cured of Schizophrenia, and my mom to find a job. The why goes without saying.


5.      If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?

Bermuda Triangle to see if it’s as creepy as I hoped.


6.      What is your favorite type of food, for example, Italian, Chinese, etc.?


7.      If you could have your dream job, besides being a writer, what would it be and why?

Acting, because it’s another way of taking on someone else’s life for a while.

8.      What is your favorite quotation?

“Don’t let anyone else define who you are – you define you.”

9.      Name one unusual fact about yourself.

 I don’t know how to swim.

10.    What is your favorite hobby?


11.     If you could be a super hero/heroine, who would you be and why?
Cat Woman – I think I’d look good in leather.
Now, I get to award 11 people!
I don’t know all of who I want to award, so here’s a few people I want to definitely award –
J.L. Murphey over at The Murphey Saga
Carrie K. Sorensen – Chasing Revery
Tena Carr – Jottings and Writings
Kathy Hall over at Red Mojo Mamas Musings
Leanne Sype over at her blog
Shelly over at Life of a Novice Writer

Diane Carlisle over at Are We There Yet?

Robin over at Crime and Literature

Now, for the others…if YOU are reading this blog post, than you deserve an award. Because you are awesome and without readers, writers would just be talking to themselves. And I thank you in all seriousness for stopping by, whether or not you leave a comment!

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8 thoughts on “I’ve Been Awarded!

  1. Awe sorry Nicole, I don't qualify. I only have 3 blogs that follow me with less than 200 followers. I was tagged for this earlier, but couldn't participate. But thanks for the nomination.

  2. Whoop whoop! Thanks for accepting the award! I am also a massive birthday card writer – stresser … glad it's not just me:)

    1. Ohh definitely – it stresses me so much!! I write out drafts of what I want to say! šŸ™‚

  3. Congratulations on your award! Being a night owl and an early riser must be a little tiring?
    Looking forward to visiting the 11 you passed the award on to.

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