Imagine This…Your Car is Almost Out of Gas and This Building is the Only One for Miles…

You’ve been driving for miles and you haven’t realized until now that your car is out of gas.

You pull off the nearest exit and find this building is the only one around for miles.

The lights are on, so someone must be inside.

What happens next?

I do love inspiring! Here’s someone who wrote a post based on the above prompt and their own creative spin!

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12 thoughts on “Imagine This…Your Car is Almost Out of Gas and This Building is the Only One for Miles…

  1. Well assuming my cell phone doesn't have signal or the battery is dead, I would go inside and ask to use their phone, or ask directions to a close station. Depending on how desperate the situation might be, I would probably offer $5 to use an emergency gas can if they had one too. šŸ™‚

  2. go in and hope that someone is there. Ask for their help and try to get a hold of someone to come bring you some gas

  3. That looks like the Bate Motel Currency Exchange center…
    …I send my sweetie up to the window (with a heavy flashlight in hand) ask to use the phone to call AAA.

  4. The gravel crunched beneath my feet as I walked up to the door. The light from the window turned the broken glass at my feet into glitter. A long haul truck passed at a distance on the highway it's tail lights fading into pinpoints of red. There were no other tail lights or head lights to be seen in either direction. I was alone.

    The door was locked and no one appeared to be inside so I headed around the side of the building to see if someone was there. Out on the horizon, the last glow of the sun left the single parking lot street light to illuminate the night with its orange hue.

    The back of the building was dark but there was a gas can perched on an old folding chair. As I reached for it to see if there was any fuel inside, I heard it clearer than before. I hadn't realized I was hearing anything. It was a soft thrumming sound like a bare finger across a bass guitar over and over, like a pulsing, low purr.

  5. It depends whether or not you want to assume that the grid is down. If there are no phones or electricity, this could go a billion different directions. Let's assume that the grid is down (But they have a backup generator). We will also assume that underneath the building lies a secret alien R&D facility, and that tunnels large enough to drive golf carts through connect to any other alien facility in any other area of the country. Say you make it to the next facility — the R&D HQ — and they capture you. You are then placed on a rocket into a black hole. You live through the black hole and arrive at Earth in a parallel universe thousands of years later, although you've only aged about two days. Since you know so much about the other Earth, you become a valued historian. You are given a home and a hovercraft. Then, finally, you've been flying for miles and you haven't realized until now that your hovercraft is out of gas. You pull off the nearest exit and find this building is the only one around for miles. The lights are on, so someone must be inside. What happens next?

  6. Ummm.. I don't know, lol! I'd probably have 911 ready to be dialed and go knock on the door for some help?

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