Imagery and the Staying True to My Meaning

I’ve been working on a poem lately and I notice sometimes with my poetry that it’s really easy to get lost in the imagery that I’m using to explain my poem’s meaning and it’s so easy to lose track of the imagery. Somehow that imagery for ocean contorts and becomes as realistic as a scene out of Inception.

But like grabbing balloons out of the air that I never meant to let go, I try not to forget that the bottle of wine, cups of coffee, and driving in a car that I’m talking about in my latest creation are meant to represent something very specific. As I write, I remind myself, “You know what you’re saying with this right?”
like a box of crayons
Well I just wanted to take a break from the clouds and check in with everyone. What are you working on these days? Anything you want to share? I would love to know. Aside from my latest poem, I’m still working hard on my short story that has been revised many times over but I’m feeling really good about the direction it’s headed. Hopefully you’re feeling pretty good about the direction your heading these days!

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7 thoughts on “Imagery and the Staying True to My Meaning

  1. It is so easy to get sidetracked by the details, but in the end, what really matters is that you get where you're going. In the end, we always have the resource of revision. =)

    I'm working hard to stay ahead of life right now. I've got deadlines coming out my ears, and I just need a solid week or two of no family or other obligations to meet them. But since that's not going to happen… We just keep swimming, eh?

  2. I think it would be nice to be able to write poems. I do not have that type of imagination and creativity, but it would be a lovely gift.
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