Have you guys missed me???

So, I’ve been “unofficially” away from blogging. While I have blogged, I haven’t been able to really visit other blogs. This also means I am completely in the dark on how your lives are going, so please update me.

I lost my internet a couple of months ago and I finally have it back.

Soooo…here’s what I haven’t updated you guys on –

1) I’ve been at my new job for almost six whole months. It’s been a challenge, but a growing process. And there’s such a thing as growing pains right?

2) I’ve been writing more! Oddly, I have been doing more…money maker writing. Like…Ghostwriting. It’s been a weird experience, especially because I never thought I would enjoy it before. Get ready, too, because I have a post coming up soon with one of my favorite writing sites on this subject.

3) Fantasy novel has stalled. I’m still working on my re-write of chapter 6. I am leaving all day Sunday as my “day off” to work on this, and I’m certain as I get caught up, I will have more time to work on it.

4) A new….story…..idea is in the works! I’m torn once again between two lovers (aka novel ideas). One is a bit easier on my mental state, and I may start on it once everything seems less…overwhelming.

5) I have soooo much to do. You will see a ton of posts from me in February as I play catch up. Not to mention, there is an fun FUN update coming for those of you who have enjoyed the weekly writing prompt (very hush hush right now).

Okay, I’ll stop at five. That’s a pretty good number.

But most importantly – how have you been???? Tell me, I want to know. Let me congratulate your successes, and comfort your downfalls. It’s nice to be back, friends!

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7 thoughts on “I’m Baaaaack – An Update

  1. Welcome back!

    I've finished my ménage a trois of short stories, have had them edited, and am waiting (patiently I might add) for the cover art to proceed. That is the hold up.

    I'm also 7 or 8 chapters into a novel. I'm mostly a pantser, so I've had a really nice breakthrough in discovering what the novel is really about. It literally hit me upside the head while I was pecking away in my local SAI(Starbucks Author Incubator).

    Good to hear the job and writing is going well 🙂

    1. Wow way to go! You've done really well for yourself lately. 🙂

      …I need to buy myself one of those incubators. 🙂

  2. Welcome back, Nicole. I haven't been doing a ton of blogging either. In 2013, I plan to do more writing and sneaking in some networking when I can. I'm hoping the writing will do what the promotion really hasn't.
    Take care of yourself… Oh, you can keep the "miss you" rock, by the way. *quickly ducks behind a building and scurries away*


    1. ha ha, are you sure??? I'd be happy to give you that miss you rock any day! Ha ha….yah, once I get caught up with everything I've gotten behind with, I'll probably cut back on blogging (probably not). But hopefully I can get more writing done!

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