How to Rule The World – A Book Review

If you know me well enough, you will know how perfect it is that I am reading this book. And I was pleasantly surprised by the insight this book provides on how possible this really is (cool huh?). How to Rule The World, by Jade Heasley, takes you on the journey of one summer that should have been like any other.

But normal doesn’t exist in the world of fiction, does it?

We meet Wendy Sloane, a bright and ambitious young college student, who comes home for the summer expecting to simply work in her mother and grandfather’s bookstore without much else going on. Instead, when aliens leave a mysterious message in a nearby farmlands, the wheels begin to turn in Wendy’s mind. She wonders how she could possibly get the power to rule the world.

Well with a bucket of paint, her mother’s approval, and pure unbridled inspiration, with a dash of small town gossip, Wendy figures out just the right concoction on how to rule the world.

A lesson for us all, How to Rule the World by Jade Heasley gives us an incredible story on how one person really can have the power to rule the world. I enjoyed this thoroughly and would suggest this in your stack of beach reads, because although the message itself could have been pretty heavy duty, Heasley knows how to write an easy breezy novel laced with humor and insight on the world around us.

Click this link to purchase How to Rule the World on

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. I included Amazon affiliate links in this review.

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3 thoughts on “How to Rule The World – A Book Review

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