No, you don’t need a window to day dream, but it does help, and it’s a bit more mind-drift-enducing than a blank wall (which I have done, though.) And as I finished a wonderful stare-out-the-window session, I began to wonder, what makes for a good daydream session? How does one find just the right windows to stare out of?
1) Location
Location can be everything to a good daydream session. It isn’t necessary to have an entirely empty and deserted location, either. Coffee shop window, window at home, car window, bus window. Plenty of great day dream opportunities all around. I especially love a tree nearby, because the sway of the leaves can be hypnotic.
Just don’t stare out a window where there is someone sitting right outside the window. This can cause them to think that you are staring at them, not staring aimlessly. It can also seriously freak someone out or make them think you are interested in them (which may or may not be your purpose).
2) The Weather
I love daydreaming when it is raining. Rain already makes me melancholy, so it’s a perfect time for me. Why not the sun? Okay, stare out any window where there is sun shining and you are bound to look away with those awful reflection things in your eye that take forever to go away. I hate that.
3) Music
You don’t always need music to daydream. In fact, when I used to take a particular bus line, it was always so empty and I didn’t need music to tune out my environment. Plus surrounding me was a ton of trees and landscape, so it was a wonderful experience.
But if you are in a crowded…anywhere, whether that’s a restaurant, coffee shop or seating area, you are bound to get distracted by the noise around you. My advice? Listen to music. I particular like Jazz or Classical music to daydream with (not into Jazz? I suggest getting your Pandora app out and typing in the “Charlie Brown Theme Radio.” It’s a great start.)
Now, those are my tips. So, go out there and start to daydream. Just don’t be a creeper about it. What are your daydream tips?
Daydreams are how I've come up with all of my ideas. It is one of the most useful tools a writer has.
It really is! For me, I tend to forget how important, but I love a good day dream session! 🙂
The car is my favorite place to daydream – as a passenger, of course. 🙂 It's very meditative and I really enjoy it.
Oh I love the car!!! The car is my favorite too. Of course as a passenger though. He he.
My favorite place to daydream is in the park sitting by the lake. I've done some great soul searching and world building by the water.
Oh that's nice you have that type of spot to daydream in. That's very nice…the lake can be a soothing experience to let your mind wander in…
Letting my mind wander and daydream used to get me into so much trouble when I was in grade school. Now I'm hoping that it will open the door into my dream writing career! And I'm glad you pointing out the need to avoid staring out windows at people… unless you happen to be writing a suspense novel from the stalker's perspective.
Hee hee…definitely beneficial if you are writing a stalker character. Hee hee…I've totally done the staring out the window and have caught people's eye, though. Oops!
I found your blog through SITS and I'm so glad I did! Your about me blurb hooked me. I love to daydream! I put on some music and think of new scenes for the books I am writing or various blog posts. Love your blog!
Thanks AnnMarie! Oh music is just wonderful for daydreaming! Thanks for the about me compliment, too! I was wondering whether to keep it and now I will!
Daydreaming is the best. I think I was considered unusual when growing up because of my daydreaming. I enjoy people watching and thinking up at random stories about what they are doing. Great tips to consider so they don't think I am stalking them. I find a smile will relax them.
Very true! A smile tells people you aren't being a creeper! I've done the same thing when thinking up stories from the people that pass before me while daydreaming. It always makes for good stories!
Newest follower! Please follow back. 😉
Great advice! I totally agree with your suggestions. And I like to daydreaming while being a passenger in a moving car and watching the terrain outside and listening to an inspiring song. That generates tons of inspiration for me. Take care!
Me too! And train rides are perfect for that!! So much land and few distractions!
I always daydream too. I guess some people need to do that though coz it will encourage them to reach those things that want to reach. Daydreaming is not bad. It can help.
It really can! Daydream is perfect for getting in touch with your inner self!
So glad to find your blog! It's more a state of mind than location that inspires my daydreaming. Generally, if I have a moment when I am not responsible for something urgent, that is the time to daydream.
Very true! If I am busy, daydreaming is impossible. But at a moment of peace, daydreaming is so much fun and very relaxing!