How Do You Manage a Busy Schedule? How Do You Break Free from Stress?

Thursday Two Questions Self border=

I stumbled across a blog hop while perusing the latest posts of some blogs I follow and I thought…hey, this sounded fun!

You answer two questions, post two of your own! And try to answer some of the questions of the other responders. 

Questions from the Host Blog

Question # 1 – Does exercising come naturally to you? What do you do for exercise?

It does! For the most part anyways…since I was a young teenager, I have exercised in some way. My mom and I started out by walking around the block, then racewalking, and then gym time. It has evolved in it’s own way, but it’s been a consistent for me.

Lately, I walk a half hour during my lunch break Monday through Friday. I know I need MORE exercise than that, but it’s something.

Question # 2 – Where do you do your exercise?

The area around my work! It’s actually a really pretty area, and I love the shops (walking past them, of course, ha ha) Plus, there are decent number of hilly places, so I get an extra workout in that way. It’s a nice way to spend my lunch break and it’s easier to do with the sunshine.

Questions from another blog

Question # 1 – What would you have done if you knew what you know now about blogging and social media?

I would say that I am still learning about blogging and social media. I would say remaining engaged has been my biggest success with these things. Always be willing to evolve and redesign how you approach things.

Question # 2 – Would it help you carve your niche faster?

Uh, niche? What niche?

My turn!

Lately, I have been really bogged down with a high amount of stress and a lot that I have going on. I try to do a little bit of my projects each day and I’ve even been able to work on my fantasy novel during my bus trip home, so I’m not missing out too much on creative time.

But there is still so much to do! And I can’t help but feel overwhelmed (which leads me to writing late night blog posts, such as this…I’d like to say this post has been productive, but…I’m not too sure…)

So, my two questions for this prompt –

1) How do you manage a busy schedule? How do you still manage to fit in “you” time?

2) How do you break free from stress?

I hope I did this right, and if you are curious on how to join in, visit the blog hop prompt page for more details!


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5 thoughts on “How Do You Manage a Busy Schedule? How Do You Break Free from Stress?

  1. Those are the two $64 trillion questions. 1) I take the front seat back seat approach as far as my schedule goes. All emergencies and appointments take the front seat and everything else is in the back seat. I only deal with front seat problems in a time crunch. 2) As far as stress, if you've read my blog, I live a high stresser life. My mantra is…don't stress the small stuff and everything is small stuff. Stress comes from worrying. Worrying never solves anything.

  2. It may sound selfish (and maybe it is), but I don't stress the things I cannot control, and on the same note, I don't wish to control anything. šŸ™‚

    This has helped me lead a non-stressful life. Of the things I can do, I will do with pleasure, because I can. Of the things I cannot do, someone else will take up the slack, and I'm okay with that, too.

  3. Sometimes I wish I had more hours in the day. Most times my body just pass out and refuse to stay up any longer.

    But I manage to do the priority items before the others šŸ™‚

    Stress comes and goes. I just try to punch it back before it takes over. So if I need to stop, breathe, cry, pray, read, idle, then I'll do it to get righted again before I move on.

    Especially with kids, you have to balance.

    Aloha šŸ™‚

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