Flash Fiction Photo Prompt – Take the Challenge!

Hello, friends! I had to check the calendar today to make sure it was indeed Wednesday because it feels

like Monday. So strange!

Since it is Wednesday, that means we’re on for the next round of the Writer Wednesday Blog Hop.


week’s twist was a big hit; look at all the stories that birthed!

Read them all because they are simply

awesome, and feel free to leave some comment love to the creative writer. 🙂

The Unknown that Lies Ahead by Scott Taylor
Jottings and Writings by Tena Carr

Return by Sally Stackhouse
An Empty Street and an Open Drawer by Tony Roberts
Mistaken by

Leanne Sype
Get a Better Hiding Place by Nicole Pyles

 Here’s a quick reminder of how to do the blog hop:

1) Write a story using both photos.
2) Keep your word count to 500 words or less.
3) Submit your completed story to your blog hostess (Nicole, Carrie, Tena or Leanne) via the inLinkz linky below. (If you

need a bit of help with this step, just leave a comment and we’ll get you linked up!)
4) Your deadline is Tuesday 9 p.m. Pacific Time. 

5) Have fun, don’t stress, let those creative juices flow!

Remember: the blog hop is about creative writing and community, so feel free to invite a friend to join


Here are your photos for this week. Enjoy!

Coffee tree with ripe berries on farm


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