Happy Halloween and Happy NaNoWriMo Eve

Happy Halloween my friends!

I have to say this has been one of the more difficult years I’ve experienced in a long time and the holidays coming around means 2014 is closing in on us. I hope the problems of this year don’t follow me into the next (and here’s hoping it won’t!).

And today is my favorite holiday too! I may have to use my Ouija board tonight, so we’ll see how that goes.

On another note, NaNoWriMo is around the corner and I’m curious – how many are joining in?

I planned to earlier in the year but my idea didn’t pan out. I do have a story I’m working on, but I seriously doubt it has the stamina to become a novel. But we’ll see! I start out strong and putter out in NaNoWriMo but maybe if it’s the other way around, I may just make it this year.

Either way, Happy Halloween and stay safe!

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