[Guest Post] Finding Your Wellsprings by Mari L. McCarthy

Today I am proud to present to you a blog post, brought to you by Mari L. McCarthy, creator of the online challenge “Start Journaling and Change Your Life in 7 Days.

What do you do to rest and re-charge? Not only do all human beings have to take time out every day to revitalize ā€“ even if only by sleeping ā€“ but many people devote large chunks of time to re-charging activities, believing that by doing so, they’ll better serve themselves and others.

Sleep, of course, is the great rejuvenator, and the king of inspiration. To be well-rested is to be healthy; and whether or not you remember dreams, they are essential to keeping you balanced mentally and emotionally so that you can be open to creativity and new ideas.

We do well, though, to cultivate other wellsprings to serve as resources for our waking hours. It helps just knowing these aides are there, so that even the mere thought of them can bring renewed energy.

An example: I love little babies, and when I see one, it makes me happy. And truly, I don’t even have to see one: I can picture a baby’s face in my mind and immediately feel inspired.

Taking it a bit further, returning to your wellsprings habitually in yourdaily life is a way to build a stronger, more confident You. Exercise every day, not just now and then; have a chat with your spouse every day; write in your journal every morning; read your favorite books every night.

Living in constant touch with your wellsprings means constant personal growth. It means that you really do become stronger and healthier every day, because you are equally respecting inner impulses and outer influences. Too many of us let outer influences dominate to such an extent that we lose sight of our own  unique selves; of our individual, special mission in life.

You can use your journal to help identify things or activities that you can count on to excite and inspire whenever you need them. Start by making a list each day of things you are grateful for. Write whole
entries about some of them, to expand your gratitude.

Then, as your gratitude lists take shape, you’ll see how you can work with them to identify wellsprings.

Are you grateful for the soft spring sunshine? Take a few moments every day to focus intently on the sky and let the weather speak to you.

Do you appreciate the cheerful clerk at the post office or convenience store? Be sure your day includes wishing him well.

Are you grateful for something you received? Take care to give something every day.

You can see how this capitalizes on itself. It’s a journaling process that starts with noticing and commenting, goes on to strengthen a positive and helpful outlook, and builds on itself to become a depthless source
of wellbeing for you.


Mari L. McCarthy, journaling therapy specialist and author, owns Create Write Now, a website dedicated to all things journaling. The site includes hundreds of journaling prompts, personal journaling stories, interviews, a blog, and many other resources. Mari publishes many ebooks and e-workbooks to help journalers accomplish amazing things. She also conducts online Challenges, and you won’t want to miss her upcoming Start Journaling and Change Your Life in 7 Days Challenge, June 4-10.

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