I am so sad to say that Ray Bradbury has passed.  He lived from 1921 – 2012 and died at the age of 91 in his home in California.

I have to say I have read several of his books and enjoyed them thoroughly (a few I will mention in a minute). So I wanted to honor his work and his impact on the reading and writing world.  Funny thing is I learned after reading an article that he never embraced technology despite his futuristic worlds. He even considered the “internet a scam.” (Can’t agree with him there, but we all have our vices, right?) (And considering this is the author of Fahrenheit 451, are we really that surprised about that?)

Anyways…here’s a few of my favorite books by this amazing writer –

Dandelion Wine

Something Wicked This Way Comes

And not to mention…the writer of the novel The Halloween Tree (never read the book, but I loved the movie, so here’s a clip of that) —

So thank you Ray Bradbury for everything you have done for the literary world. You will be greatly missed.

If you are a fan, what is some of your favorite Ray Bradbury books? If you are a writer reading this, did he ever inspire one of your stories? 

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6 thoughts on “Goodbye Ray Bradbury

  1. This is sad news. I am a fan of Ray Bradbury.

    'Fahrenheit 451' is one of my favorite stories of all time; possibly because it has to do with books and censorship. I just loved the idea that people memorized books to keep them alive. The story has a great hero.

    Among my other favorites is 'The Martian Chronicles'. A story about humanity and civilization – and so much more. Like so many of his other works, this is science fiction with a message – a moral (if you will).

  2. He was indeed a great writer with a great imagination. He will be missed! But we still have his stories, and the world is so fortunate that he shared his stories with us.

  3. I agree with Lena. It's a nice tribute to write a blog to him. I used to devour Sci-Fi as a teenager and they all kind of run together now but I know he inspired many great shows and movies too.

  4. I remember reading The Martian Chronicles in my early 20s and being completed transported to Mars!

  5. I am familiar with the name Ray Bradbury but have to admit to my shame I have never read any of his novels. Perhaps I will start with the Halloween Tree. At 91 his longevity is certainly something to admire.

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