Gluten-Free Oatmeal Muffin Recipe & 3 Ways to Eat Right During Earth Month

Several months ago, I uncovered a tasty muffin recipe that I was extremely proud of and that I’ve been making ever since. Sometimes I will occasionally go a tad off script but this time, I disciplined myself to pay close attention to what I was doing and make sure that didn’t happen, because I wanted to share it with you. So, as I shopped at my local Safeway in Tigard, I started to gather together the things I needed to make this recipe as healthy as possible.

Why? Well in case you didn’t know, April is Earth Month! Some of my favorite brands are coming together to promote healthier choicese and I know you will want to select these items when you shop.

What you’ll need for this most amazing recipe –

2 and a half cups of ground oats

1 cup and 1/3 of Soy Milk (suggestion: Almond Unsweetened Vanilla!)

2 TBSP of Butter (or Olive Oil)

2 TBSP of Cinnamon

1/2 TSP of cream of tartar

1/4 TSP of baking soda

1/2 TSP of Salt

1 large egg

1/4 cup of honey (I will let you be the judge of this; if you like muffins extra sweet, I would add a bit more! If you don’t want them so sweet, I would use less). 

1 TSP of clovers (optional)

1/2 TSP of Vanilla Extract (optional)

Suggestion: Add mix-ins of your choice such as raisins, cranberries, dark chocolate pieces.


Preheat the oven to 350. I ground up the oats myself using a coffee grinder and then from there I measure out 2 and 1/2 cup of oats. I always start out with the dry ingredients first so add those in (except any added mix-ins), followed by the milk, the egg, the butter, and lastly the honey. Mix well. Then fold in your mix-ins last.

Spray the muffin tin with Pam spray or line it with muffin cups. Then pour the mix into a muffin tin. The consistency should be pretty thick. This batter should make 9 – 12 muffins.

Quick Hack! For me, when I’m distributing a muffin mixture into muffin tins, I like using an ice cream soup! Saves me from making a mess. 

Bake for 25 minutes.

NOTE: They do come out a bit small, but I’ve always been okay with this, because this is a largely gluten-free recipe and I’m not adding things such as guar gum (usually suggested in gluten-free recipes to make things puff up like regular gluten recipes).

These little muffins save VERY well so if you are interested in having these last throughout the week, I have done the same thing. Just bag up each muffin pair by pair and take them with you during the week!

Aside from eating healthier, what ways can you make the world a better place by shopping just a bit differently?

Here are three suggestions on how to change up your shopping list –

1) Change up Mac & Cheese night!

Do you serve up some tasty mac & cheese each week? It’s seriously one of my favorite dinners. Well during this April Earth Month, consider selecting Horizon’s Mac & Cheese. Founded more than 20 years ago, they helped begin the organic dairy moment. Their certified organic products have 95% organic ingredients. Select their products and feel good about your choice!

2) Eat more fruit!

Personally, I really love frozen fruit, especially frozen berries. So while you are shopping this weekend, make sure you look out for Earthbound Farm Frozen fruits! I love adding frozen blueberries to my yogurt, but not only is this a healthy alternative, they do good for our planet. They currently have nearly 50,000 acres of certified organic farm land and sustainably farm and keep synthetic chemicals out of the environment.

3) Make morning coffee good for you – AND the planet.

If you had creamer to your coffee, consider a soy creamer like So Delicious. Not only is it healthy for you, but also So Delicious is enrolled in the non-GMO project’s product verification program. I’m a huge supporter of NON-GMO products, so I’m loving this stuff.

How will you be eating right during Earth Month?

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Albertsons Safeway. The opinions and text are all mine.

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