Flash Fiction Writing Challenge – Get Inspired!

I haven’t quite yet gotten myself back on track with blogging yet. I’ve had to prioritize something’s and I’m focusing a lot on writing lately. I will definitely update more later, but for now. Leanne has the prompt!

Scary movies and candy galore, entice the imagination to explore. Take a picture and five simple terms, write a story of fiction to make readers squirm.

Haha! Happy Writer Wednesday and Happy Halloween, friends. It’s time for another round of the blog hop photo stories. Here are the two stories we received from last week’s prompt:

No Heroes Death by Tena Carr

Window Seat by Leanne Sype

Writers inspiring writers, spurring the growth of an imaginative writing community! This is what the blog hop is really all about, my friends. So we hope you’ll join us this week, and be sure to invite a friend to join in too. All are welcome.

Here’s a quick review of how the blog hop works:

1) Use the photo and the 5 words provided in your story
2) Keep your word count 500 words or less.
3) You have until next Tuesday to link up your post.
4) Link up with your blog hostess (Nicole, Carrie, Tena or Leanne) when you’re done via the inLinkz linky below.
5) Have fun, don’t stress, let those creative juices flow.

Here is this week’s photograph (courtesy of Leanne Sype):


Your mandatory words:







- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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