Flash Fiction Photo Prompt – Join in!

Tena has the reigns this week! 

Wow…. Is it Wednesday again already????

Time sure flies when you’re having fun…. Or constantly hopping….

On to this weeks WWBH kick-off, but first last week stories:

Looks like only one made it in (Do What!!!!):

Now for this weeks picture and 5 Random Words:


 Dogie (yes that is spelled right – NOT Doggy)

 (ooops almost added a 6th here —- hmmmm time for more coffee??)

Some Quick Reminders:

 1) Use the photo and the 5 words provided in your story
 2) Keep your word count 500 words or less.
 3) You have until next Tuesday to link up your post.
 4) Link up with your blog hostess (Nicole, Carrie, Tena or Leanne) when you’re done via the inLinkz linky below.
 5) Have fun, don’t stress, let those creative juices flow.

And Remember: The more the merrier, so share with your fellow bloggers and invite them to join in the fun

PLUG: Keep an eye out for a possible brand new challenge in the works…. Details in the works (That’s all I’ll say for now)

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