Flash Fiction Photo Prompt – Are You Inspired?

Hi friends! So much excitement bubbling around our Writer Wednesday Blog Hop community!

First– Our winner for the ad contest is Sally over at Sally’s Scribbles! Here is her button to display on your site to support her blog!

sally's button

Second– Flash 500 is now available for free via here (and in time will be available across a variety of reader platforms–stay tuned)!

This book a selection of blog hop stories from the first year of the Writer Wednesday Blog Hop. A huge thank you to our blog hop co-founders Nicole Pyles and Carrie Sorensen for all their many months of hard work and research to put this together!!

Flash 500 eBook cover

 Third– This week’s photo reveal! Here are all the stories from last week:

Burned by Cindy Cagle

What a Day by Sally Stackhouse

What’s Evil by Carrie Sorensen

The Childhood Home by Scott Taylor

Dancing by Leanne Sype

The One that got Away by David Bastiani

Here are the rules:

1) Use the photo and the 5 words provided in your story
2) Keep your word count 500 words or less.
3) You have until next Tuesday to link up your post.
4) Link up with your blog hostess (Nicole, Carrie, Tena or Leanne) when you’re done via the inLinkz linky below.
5) Have fun, don’t stress, let those creative juices flow.
The photo courtesy of our fellow blog hop writer Cindy Cagle
Mandatory words:
credit card


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One thought on “Flash Fiction Photo Prompt – Are You Inspired?

  1. Love the photo and the prompt. Wish I was better at those Linky things. If it gets technical I usually start to freak. Good luck to everyone. It's a lovely prompt for Flash Fiction.

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