What’s your holiday this season? Do the lights and sparkles make you smile? They do for me, and we can definitely use more smiles.

I’m hoping this bit of news helps to bring on a few more.

Tony Roberts, you are our winner this month! I had thought you were a repeat winner and am surprised to find this is your first time. I (Carrie) would love to put a button together for you. Let me know if you have a photo or idea you would like to use by this weekend so I have time to work on it for next Wednesday. Oh, and congratulations!
Highlighting last week’s submissions:

Don’t Eat the Berries by Leanne Sype

Secrets by Scott Taylor

A Short Story by Sally Stackhouse

Be sure to check the rules as we’ve shifted the prompt a little and let us know if our inLink isn’t working as it should.

Those rules are:

1) Write a story using both photos.

2) Keep your word count to 500 words or less.3) Submit your completed story to your blog hostess (NicoleCarrieTena or Leanne) via the inLinkz linky below. (If you need a bit of help with this step, just leave a comment and we’ll get you linked up!)4) You have the next week to post.5) Have fun, don’t stress, let those creative juices flow! Remember: the blog hop is about creative writing and community, so feel free to invite a friend to join in!

The photos:

And your (hopefully) friendly inLinkz widget.

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