Finding a Job, Like Winning the Lottery – An Unemployment Story

I was humbled to receive this email from someone who named themselves “Peace.” This is an unemployment story from somewhere all the way across the globe from me. To know this blog reaches such far distances and speaks to people as far as Turkey means so much to me. I have not altered the language in the post as these are Peace’s words.

unemployment story


I want to tell my unemployment story.

I live in Turkey. I have been searching a job for 1 year. Unfortunately, I can not find. Turkey has a bad economic situation.

Unemployment rate is getting grow everyday. When you looking on young peoples, you can see that they have not a job. When I was a student at university, I have lots of hopes. However, I lost them currently.

I want to clarify situation of Turkey. If you don’t have any reference, you cannot find a job. Although you graduate reputable university, you can not find. Because of you don’t have reference. If you have a reference, it is not important that which university you graduate or your experience.

I lost my imagines. I am getting lost my hopes everyday. It is biggest obscure. I don’t know that what will be I am, I don’t know my future. If you live in Turkey, finding a job like a win lottery.

This is my little story. Yes, I live very bad experience, but when I tell more, I feel bad.

No matter where you are from,  I want to hear your story. If you have an unemployment story to tell, please write to

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