Fate Calls – Riley’s Story – A Blog Story Hop

I am proud to take part in another story blog hop. I took part in one about a month or so ago and it was such a wonderful experience. So, I’m taking part again with Carrie at Chasing Revery and Leonard at Confessions of a Pixie and Ink Stained Wretch.

Make sure to read part one before you read mine! 

Old Marine Office Building - Old Nordburg Grounds - 2nd Floor
I went to my bike parked behind the bushes in front of Caleb’s house and nudged the kick stand. I balanced the bike with my thigh and checked the missed call. The number on the recent calls just said, “0.” I didn’t need to know the number, though, I knew where to go. I pushed my bike to the sidewalk and looked around the empty neighborhood. The late Thursday afternoon seemed uneventful for the most part. On the outside, it could have been a normal day. I squinted into the sky as the clouds took control of the weather and threatened rain. I knew I better hurry.

I climbed onto my bike and pushed the peddles as each surge forward sent me on towards my destiny. Destiny. It seemed like such a funny word now. The wind blew my hair back. I almost dared to shut my eyes. The houses flew past me as I maneuvered the streets and headed towards downtown. Only a few weeks ago when my class visited the local state college to consider applying there for our freshman year, I spied an obscure job posting on the bulletin board. 
“Assistant to Fate Sought,” it read. “Apply within.” It listed an address a few blocks from the school and instead of taking the cheap yellow bus back to school I went to apply to the job. My parents worked pretty late, so I know that they wouldn’t catch wind of me not returning back to school.
The address led me to an office building that looked like a failing insurance company. I figured “Fate” meant someone’s unique last name.
Turns out I was wrong.
When I first saw the building I thought there may have been a mistake of some kind. Most of the offices were empty, but the single story building and single hallway finally led to a office with the nameplate, “Fate” on the  door.
I pushed open the sticking door and found a rumpled looking man, who could have been 20, 30, or 40 (I was never good with ages), scribbling into a large notebook. No computers were in the office. Just stacks of notebooks.
“Are you here about the job?” He asked. He picked at his hair as he stood to greet me. He stuck out his hand and I shook it. I met his eye and the sparkle told me he was more than excited to see me.  I remember thinking I should have brought Caleb with me. He went back around to his desk and sat down.
“Yes, you are looking for an assistant?” I wanted to feel brave, but I wasn’t. So, I stood by the door and didn’t sit down when he motioned to the chair across his desk.
“Ah,” he said at the time. He noticed my discomfort and stood again. “You see, I need an assistant. My name is Fate and I control the fate of everyone in this city.” 
I almost left and thought him to be a mad man. Before I could leave, as I turned to the door, he called out my name. “Riley. You are friends with Caleb. You wished he noticed you as more than just a friend, but he hasn’t yet.” He picked at his hair again, flakes of dandruff puffing out of his hair. He smiled. “He will. It’s fate that you will end up together. Just not yet.” 
“How did you know my name? How did you know about Caleb?” I clutched my bag to my chest and wished I followed my class back to the high school.
“I’m Fate, remember? Please, sit.” He motioned to the chair across from him. “I will explain everything.
And he did. As I maneuvered past the parked cars and speeding drivers to my next assignment, I remember he told me that my duties as his assistant would be to keep people on track for their fate. For their destiny. He told me the two words were interchangeable. He explained the position required I be on call and that he needed my help because too often people get off track. It could be overwhelming at times how many people do, so it was up to me to help get them back to where they were meant to go. So far, it’s been an interesting job, to say the least.
Make sure to stop by next week to catch part three in the post of the blog story! 

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7 thoughts on “Fate Calls – Riley’s Story – A Blog Story Hop

  1. (Squeals little-girl-like). Great direction. šŸ™‚ The best part about doing this hop is the story never goes the way I think it might. Assistant to Fate. <3

    1. I know! I love it!! I got the idea from a story I was going to write a long time ago, but never did! šŸ™‚

  2. sounds like an interesting story. What type of writer are you interested in becoming or already became? I thought screen writing would be fun!

    1. I'd like to be a fiction writer! Screenwriting does sound fun though! I do love my dialogue and setting up scenes! šŸ™‚

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