What happens when you start to eavesdrop on people’s conversations and writing down the things they say? You get freaky imagery like this…


“They fell out of the bag like a bunch of dead, soaking wet cockroaches.”
I know, my skin is still crawling. So, join in the fun – what caused you to perk up your ears and listen in on a conversation lately? Post in the comments or create your own post and link up below!

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18 thoughts on “Eavesdropping At It’s Finest

  1. That could make an excellent writing prompt: write a short story based on the next portion of a conversation you overhear in public.

  2. On the PATH train to NYC, the lady next to me told her male companion, "A Costco membership would be worth the savings on sausage alone!"

    That's a lot of sausage…

  3. Hey Nicole!

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  4. Now I want to know what fell out of the bag. And when had the people saying this ever seen such a scene that they could reference it to this conversation? I take that back. I don't want to know the second part.

    1. Hee hee hee…well what fell out of the bag was coffee beans!! And as far as your second question…I know the person who said this (it was actually my mom!) grew up in Florida…sooo…..:)

  5. I try not to listen in too much, but occasionally things just catch our ears like we have radars. Some funny images and even misunderstandings can come up from catching only part of a conversation. One example happened yesterday when someone was talking about a book and describing two characters skinny dipping; I thought it was 2 guys because the names were 'guy names' however I found out that one was a girl whose nick-name was 'Mick'. Well, that changes everything! That would be good to use as a writing prompt.

    1. That would be fun! Vague characters names with a weird activity they are about to do together and it would be cool to see how to the writer figures it out. šŸ™‚

  6. Ewwww! Whatever they were talking about sounded disgusting!

    I try to avoid eavesdropping to be honest and I especially hate it when people are having a really boring conversation and I'm forced to listen! The other day though some guy got a phone call when we were on the train & he turned out to be American. Just listening to his accent (New Yorker) made us all lose focus and we couldn't help staring at him. It was so exciting šŸ™‚ I think he got fed up with us because he moved away as soon as he could so he could have his conversation in peace šŸ™‚ šŸ™‚

    1. Ha ha!! I can just imagine how that must have looked with you all staring like that!! That would have been awesome. I'm gonna remember that next time I'm listening to a hideously boring conversation!

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