Do You Lose Stuff All The Time? Well, Try FoundIt!

There is a place for people like me. The type of person who loses their stuff all the time. In fact, I’m on my third (and maybe fourth) cell phone charger. I have probably lost almost all of my gloves and hats for the winter and I have stopped by buying watches because of how often they come off of my wrist (and never come back).

If you are like me, you will want to know about FoundIt!

I learned about FoundIt! and at first, I just didn’t get it. And that is the main reason I wanted to review it.

And then I received the info on how exactly to sign up and what to do, and boy oh boy was this ever a service meant for people like me.

Basically how this works, is that you sign up at and you purchase a $19.99 or a $24.99 membership (the main difference is how many stickers you get). After you sign up, you get stickers and tags in the mail, that you stick on various items.

Like this –

This is just the beginning by the way (and yes, I placed a sticker on my hair brush; although that sticker didn’t last long, ha ha). I have it now on my laptop, cell phone, the little wallet thing that has my credit cards, my make up bag, my sunglasses and glasses case. I am terrible at losing things and this is a service I need (like how two weeks ago I lost another cell phone charger…my third one (and I NEVER got back…see? This service would have helped me if I had placed my FoundIt sticker on that charger!)).

What you see on the sticker is a little code that you activate once you get your membership activated.

So, what happens is if someone finds your stuff, they text that number, or they go online to FoundIt and report that they found your item.

The only hiccup here is that it requires the honesty out of our fellow man (and you cynics in the back can just quiet down). So, I like to think that if someone found one of these items I’ve slapped these stickers on, will report in and find a way to contact me.

I love the idea behind this service, I really do. And this is a service perfect me, because I lose stuff constantly.

What I plan to do, is if I do lose something, and someone reaches out to me via FoundIt, I will post and let you guys know…immediately. For now, I wait and cross my fingers that this service brings out the good in all of us.

Try this out – and in fact, if you have someone in your life that loses stuff like me, you can even gift this service. 

And I’m so proud to announce that I will be giving away a “Bomb Diggity Membership” which values at $19.99 and includes the following –

– Your own unique FoundIt! ID

– 38 FoundIt! Stickers, including 4 glasses stickers

– 4 durable plastic tags (keychain, bag tags and luggage tag)

– Machine washable and dishwasher safe

– One year Membership to FoundIt! Network

Great for active individuals and couples!

Enter using the following activities below, and make sure to leave a comment for each entry method you do and do NOT just leave one comment saying you’ve done them all (otherwise you only get credit for one entry!) –


1) Leave a comment by telling me about an item you’ve recently lost and whether or not you found it!


1) Like FoundIt! on Facebook

2) Follow FoundIt! on Twitter 

3) Follow FoundIt! on Pinterest

4) Like World of My Imagination on Facebook

5) Subscribe to my blog via email

6) Subscribe to my blog via GFC.

And at the end of the contest, I will have the chance to give a 15% discount to all of my readers. So stay tuned! If you enter, whether or not you win, I will be sure to email you directly about that discount code. 

Contest ends 12/26.


Disclaimer: I received a free membership to FoundIt! in exchange for my honest review.

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21 thoughts on “Do You Lose Stuff All The Time? Well, Try FoundIt!

  1. I lost my prescription sunglasses about two months ago… and luckily I just found them!

    courtneylynne09 [at] gmail [dot] com

  2. This sounds like a really great service. I get lost just turning around so you know how often I lose things. 🙂

  3. Sunglasses, also known as sun mirror, which used for shading. People’s eye adjusts the flux rely on regulation in the sun .when the light intensity of more than ability to regulate for the human eye, it will cause harm to the human eye. So in outdoor activities, especially in the summer, many people are using to block the sun visor mirror to reduce eye fatigue or adjust the light stimulation caused the damage.

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  4. I recently lost one of my grocery store value cards, normally kept on my keychain but I lent it to my friend- it's lost now lol

    Kathryn C

    ecora AT juno DOT com

  5. i lost my wedding ring a few months ago, i lost a lot of weight and it was too big, it must have fallen off, i wish i could find it though

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