Coworker Hell Turned Joblessness Hell [An Anonymous Unemployment Story]

I wanted to post this story especially because I have been here before and so have a lot of people. Sometimes you just can’t stay at a job no matter how much you want it to work. When you reach that breaking point though and have to leave, there is a massive struggle to recover. I know that first hand. The rest of this post is written by an anonymous submitter who granted me permission to submit her story. I haven’t changed any word she sent me.

I stepped away from a job several months ago because a troubled, unhappy co-worker was making my daily life hell. I let her problems become mine, instead of brushing off her anger. Leaving was a stupid decision – I know that now.

I have never had trouble getting interviews before & typically get an offer if I get an interview, but all that has changed & I’m not sure why. I’ve had a couple of interviews, but mostly I’ve had phone screens. Every one of these left me feeling we would move forward to an offer. They tell me all the right things – that I have what they’re looking for in terms of qualifications, credentials and attitude. Then, I either hear nothing or I get a polite note saying they’ve decided another candidate is a better fit. The sheer law of averages should have worked in my favor at least once.

One recruiter was so adamant about moving forward that I was sure I would get the interview and the offer. He said he would have the security officer call me to prep me for the clearance process (as this job called for getting a clearance). The security person called just a few minutes later & started by asking for my birth date, including the year. I didn’t feel I could decline since I knew a clearance would require that. The next day I got the brush off e-mail. I couldn’t help but feel they used that tactic to get my age & then I was out. My age is just a number and belies all that I have to contribute.

My best theory is that they are finding younger & cheaper candidates. (I’ve stressed that money is not an issue, that the right position is most important, but so far it has not helped.) I am a high energy, reliable employee, but I’ve somehow ended up without a paycheck & it feels awful.(My husband joked that maybe the troubled co-worker had black-balled me but I’m not that paranoid & she could not have that kind of power.)

I’m grateful my husband has a good job, but I want to contribute for at least another decade. I’m doing volunteer work at our local library – it feels good to be needed – but I’m a highly qualified administrative professional. I can’t believe there’s not a company out there that will give me a chance to show I’m still capable.

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0 thoughts on “Coworker Hell Turned Joblessness Hell [An Anonymous Unemployment Story]

  1. All I can say is that I am sure you will find something soon.

    You definitely did the right thing by giving up your old job. If it was making you miserable, then you should move on.

    Strangely enough, I gave up my job just last week. I was dreading going into work everyday and I have not been myself for a while. A massive weight has been lifted since I handed in my notice, and now I am delving feet first into finding something new.

    You will definitely find that something too. You’ve done the hardest part by leaving your old job – great things are just around the corner.

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