Changes to World of My Imagination (And to the Weekly Writing Prompt)

Changes are coming to my blog, World of My Imagination!

I’ve decided after long consideration  to back out of the weekly writing that I had been hosting weekly with my fellow bloggers. I had stopped enjoying hosting and I was ready for a change to my blog and to my blog schedule and habits. My traffic and readers had dropped significantly and I needed an overhauling of sorts.

I’m going to try some new things and in case you haven’t noticed, I’ve already started! I post various prompts such as “Imagine This…” and I encourage you to follow my blog and see if you can get inspired by these new prompts.

I know more will come and I hope you will be a part of it.

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4 thoughts on “Changes to World of My Imagination (And to the Weekly Writing Prompt)

  1. I love the new look of your blog Nicole, and I've already been saving your 'Imagine this ..' posts for future inspiration.

    Good luck with the rest of your overhaul x

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