This week sure flew by! I thought I’d share the quote from since it’s been a tough week for a lot of people. I
Category: Uncategorized

I love when a blogger I follow has a book published and I get the chance to review it! I’ve been following R.D. Meyer for

The last time I did this type of post seemed to be a great hit for me! How are you doing this fine Saturday night
I couldn’t wait to tell you the book The Dream Daughter by Diane Chamblerain. The unfortunate thing is it’s almost impossible to tell you about

I love this time of year. It’s the time when seasons change, the air gets a bit cooler, and the fall leaves start to come

I am so excited to be part of this incredible book tour with author Fiona Ingram. The book I’ll be chatting about today is called

Hi everyone! As some of you may know, I’m part of the WOW! Women on Writing team and I’m putting together a couple of new

We made it to the weekend! In Portland, we have suffered through a terrible heat wave for the second week in a row. I’m very

photo credit: Wouter de Bruijn Sunrise on a cold morning via photopin (license) Monday Monday, oh what a day. Anyone else unbelievably sick of the

Is anyone else shocked this summer is going by so fast? As we all venture off towards the beaches and outdoors this summer, spending time