I am happy to say I am featured on Social Media Frontiers, one of the top sites for social networking. Check out my article on
Category: Uncategorized

Okay, our winner has been randomly selected at random.org and it happens to be Heather! Congrats Heather! HJ Musk! A quick look at last week’s

Last night I said something profound about myself – “You know what? I think I’m doing a pretty good job, all things considered.” It was
It’s Wednesday again! We’re that much closer to Friday. It’s exciting around these blog hop parts because we will be having an announcement coming up
Who let it be Wednesday without telling me? Totally thought it was Tuesday. Leanne has the reigns this week! Write it on your heart that
This morning I woke up to a rejection letter. It started out like this – “Dear NP, I hope you won’t mind if I give
Tena has the reigns this week! Hey, Guess What???? I’m back at the wheel…. The WWBH wheel that is. Haven’t done this hosting thing in

I read an article recently on the Gothamist that a well known New York Barnes and Noble location is shutting down. This article followed up
It is viciously cold here in Michigan. We’re ‘feeling like’ -40’s at night and not climbing out of the negatives during the day, even in
Walking home one day, someone approaches you. They hand you a dagger. It’s a gift. Since it’s your birthday, you accept. But then, you find