I love watching scary movies. Especially the kind that just make you jump and run for the covers and shiver at shadows. And after watching
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Okay, this is a semi-cheat post. I had just finished writing about my favorite UFO/alien movies, when I clicked exit out of the document I

You’re taking a long road trip and you decide to stop for the night. While looking for a place to stop for the evening, you

If you are participating in the A to Z Challenge like me, you may find that you are getting a tad blog weary. But this

In another part of the A to Z Challenge, with the letter K, I brought to you the Koestler Parapsychology Unit and now I am

My first unexplainable – but turned out to be true – premonition started in 2012 when I just got the sense that something not very

It’s Saturday night and you are one of the few people left at a party. It’s nearing 1 am and you are contemplating simply calling

Although I don’t believe in creating a “bucket” list (too ominous for me to make one; what will happen to me if I finish it,

Mothman Prophecies is one of the creepiest movies I seen in a long time. Every time I watch this film, I get weirded out and

Everyone has heard of the Loch Ness monster, but I don’t know if most of us know a lot about it. To be honest, before