I love to talk about books that inspire! Sometimes inspirational and motivational books though tend to be a little…longwinded, complicated, and not simplified to my
Category: Uncategorized
I remember once when I was a mentor in college, a student told me, “Do you know how easy it is to hack into a

I was perusing my GoodReads “to read” list and I spotted a couple of titles that I thought would make hilariously terrible Valentine’s Day Candy
I am so excited to announce that I will be hosting a Twitter Party for author T.M. Wallace and her new book Wintergarden. The Twitter
I also contemplated rewriting this blog post title to, “How I Put My Writer’s Ego Back Together.” Last year may have been the process of
Although many of my blogging peeps would tell me only to blog when you are inspired, I thought about those times when you want to
I hope it isn’t too late for a “favorite books of 2014” post! But this past year, I’ve read a lot of great books, and
Over the last few months, I have been reading ‘The Future of God’ by Deepak Chopra. I am usually not the type to enjoy non-fiction books,
I would say that 2014 has been a year of writing. Although I’ve been less active on my blog, I have written more creative work

Each morning I take the bus into work. It’s about a 45 minute ride, and since I have to get up horridly early (6:45 is