Happy Belated New Year! I feel like June is a great time to dig out the dusty resolutions and re-evaluate them. So for me, there’s
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My Muse vs My Anti-Muse Don’t you hate when you are writing a story and the little worm that’s the inner critic peers at your
I was lucky enough to receive a complimentary three month subscription to the Book of the Month club. I’m by no means obligated to write

I decided to try out a new feature to my blog and see how well this goes. I’m currently reading “All Things Cease to Appear”

I have to say that I love a good scary movie. And the horror genre is one of my favorites to take a look at!

Ready to join me again for another Twitter Party? This time I will be chatting with author Nathan Rollins about his exciting new book, “By

I had the chance to read the book, The Marauders by Tom Cooper. I have to tell you I was VERY surprised about how much I

I am so excited to announce we have another Twitter party coming up! I’ll be chatting with the author of the book Deacon’s Folly by

Over the last 8 months or so, maybe longer, I’ve had the opportunity to host Twitter parties with authors about books they want to promote.

I am so excited for this next Twitter Party coming up, because I have to say I’m not the best at things like networking and