Looking for a new book to read? Well I’m putting together another book blog tour with WOW! Women on Writing tours and I would love
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photo credit: suzyhazelwood Love vintage books! via photopin (license) I decided to continue writing a story that needed an ending last week. While I’m largely
Do you have trouble remembering people’s names? I confess whenever I’m introduced to someone at work within seconds their name is out of my head.

Valentine’s Day is almost upon us! Anyone single or maybe in a relationship that is leaving you unhappy? Well gather around because do I have

I stumbled across this weekly challenge by the blog From This Side of the Pond. What better what to join back into the blogging world

photo credit: Lise1011 Passing time via photopin (license) Have you ever seen the movie, Splendor in the Grass? It’s with Natalie Wood and her character
I’m a sucker for a good whodunit. Especially one that spans time. What was an unsolvable mystery in childhood becomes a must-solve mystery as an

dit: markus spiske neourban hipster office workstation via photopin (license) It’s funny as a writer how much we change without realizing. As the New Year

Photo by Jennifer Payne What I love about art and artists is that they see things in a different, personal and unique way. And they

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I hope you are excited for the upcoming holiday. For me, I’ve been reading a lot of mysteries lately and I was