A Book to Read if You Are Weird, Odd, Eccentric, or Abnormal (That Means Everyone).

You know that really weird habit that you have of absolutely requiring that the toilet paper be faced in the right direction when you put it on the roll?

Or how about that odd habit of arranging the spices in alphabetical order?

Or how about that weird habit of keeping the tissue paper in gifts even if you never use it (I can’t be the only who does this)?

If this just scratches the surface on your bizarre behavior and you are thinking to yourself, “That’s nothing!”

Then you will want to read the book “Admit It, You’re Crazy!” by Judy Reiser.

I’ll be honest, it’s usually tough for me to really sit down and enjoy an e-book. I still love the feeling of a real book in my hand.

But for this book, I think it actually worked better because it was in my small phone. Each page of this book provides fantastic insight in the weird behaviors of real people (this is every writer’s dream! A hand held tool of all that dysfunctional behavior in real people! Talk about character inspirations!).

Some of the stories I reacted with, “Hey, that’s so me!! I didn’t think anyone else did that!”

Or, “I’m SO glad I’m not the only annoyed as hell about that!”

Or, “Wow…” (no judgment, of course)

To give you just a taste, here’s one story that I got a huge kick out of:

“I’ve been laundering money for years. I put a little bit of Lysol liquid cleaner in some water. It forms nice little suds when I splash the money around. Then I rinse the money and lay them down flat. They dry beautifully – like they just came out of the mint.” – excerpt from “Admit it, You’re Crazy!

Really, this just scratches surface. If you want an easy read that’s fun, funny, with high entertainment value, pick up this book.

Downsides? None. I enjoyed this book thoroughly. I was sad to see it end because this weirdness felt so familiar to me (heh heh). I only hope to see more of Judy Reiser’s books out on the shelves!
Click this link to find out more information about Judy Reiser’s books and click this link to purchase on Amazon. Also like her Facebook Page and  follow her on Twitter!

And wait! There’s more!

This post is a two-parter. Tune in tomorrow to find out what I thought about In A Cell Phone Minuteby Judy Reiser! I’ll give you another cute excerpt then too!

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of ‘Admit It, You’re Crazy’ in exchange for an honest review.

What is a behavior that you (or someone else) does that is weird or a tad on the bizarre side? 

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6 thoughts on “A Book to Read if You Are Weird, Odd, Eccentric, or Abnormal (That Means Everyone).

  1. Do you have about two hours so I can list all the crazy habits I have? Just to name a few:
    – When I go to sleep, I put my socks under the right hand corner of my pillow. Don't know how that started.
    – In a restaurant, I play with the drinks and everything else that's on the table. I usually arrange them in a straight line, that gives me a strange peace of mind.
    – I like my stuff a certain way and when my boyfriend touches something and leaves it out of place, I have to keep myself calm so I won't yell at him.
    There are some weirder things I just can't tell you about. So yeah, I think I can relate to most of what's in that book. I'm going to ask for it for my birthday =D Thanks!

    1. The restaurant thing sounds fun! šŸ™‚ I never thought of playing with the stuff on the table! šŸ™‚

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