A Book to Read if You Love a Good Whodunit

I’m always excited to read a book where the writer knows how to put together a really good mystery and “whodunit.” Author Jennifer L. Jennings contacted me to review both of her books, An Appointment With Murder and An Act of Deceit and I was not disappointed.

In book one, An Appointment With Murder, you meet Sarah Woods, a woman in her 40s with her own massage therapy business, an uncertain marriage, and a teenage son growing up way too fast for her liking. Within the first few minutes of the book, you also meet her secretary Beth, a newlywed that Sarah is grateful for, especially since Beth keeps the perve clients away.

Speaking of clients, Sarah waits for one in particular who shows up late and showers off in the back. As Sarah preps the massage table in the back, she realizes that this client has been taking too long. She calls out for him from outside the shut bathroom door, and hears no response. Fearing the worst, Sarah peeks in and calls out for the client again. Instead of seeing a dead body on the floor like she thought she might, she catches him in an…inimiate moment. Laughing it off, she goes to the front desk to joke it off with Beth.

She finds Beth dead in her chair.

The excitement doesn’t end there as Sarah meets Beth’s mysterious, but sexy brother, her nervous roommate, and uncovers a hidden past she never would have expected from her seemingly innocent receptionist.

Jennings delivers non-stop excitement as you try to figure out the killer right alongside Sarah. It’s my favorite type of mystery because you never would expect the ending.

In book two, An Act of Deceit, Jennings continues Sarah’s adventures and thrill of the unexpected. After meeting Carter through a mutual acquaintance, Sarah takes on a role as a part-time private investigator. In the beginning, Sarah wines and dines a fellow patron in a hotel bar, only to later reveal his bad behavior as that of a cheating husband. While Sarah escapes the confrontation between him and his wife, she sneaks downstairs and away from the hotel.
Later she discovers that the cheating husband died after the confrontation. He was struck by a delivery van while crossing the street. Coincidence? Maybe not. Carter and Sarah discuss the events over coffee, and Carter reveals that the wife has hired them to find the killer. Sarah takes on the challenge and finds out what she is really made of in this next series installment.
I enjoyed both of these books and hated to see them both end. I loved Sarah’s determiantion and felt like I was beside her each step of the way. My only wish would be for them to be longer so I can spend a bit more time with this awesome lead character.
A special thank you to Jennifer for providing me copies of the books for free. Another special thank you for allowing me to give away two versions of the book – an electronic version and and a paperback version.
If you are interested in winning a copy of An Appointment With Murder and An Act of Deceit let me know in the comments whether you would like an electornic version or the paperback version and provide your email address. The winner will be selected next Saturday, June 16th!

Sorry for the delay everyone! I used random.org to choose the winners, and Hyggeman and Donna George have won! Hygge since your name was pulled first, you get first dibs on which version you would like! Donna, I’ll follow up after!

Make sure to follow my blog to find out more ways to win cool stuff!
Missed the giveaway and want to see what happens next? Click here to purchase the electronic version or paperback version of An Appointment With Murder. Click here to purchase the electronic version or paperback version of An Act of Deceit.
Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of both books in return for writing this book review. All opinions are my own. I also included Amazon Affiliate links within the post.

Please note this giveaway is over!

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8 thoughts on “A Book to Read if You Love a Good Whodunit

  1. Sounds intriguing! I'd love to read either (or both…). If pressed, electronic would be best

  2. Thanks so much for the win! I look forward to reading these books. I love a good murder mystery!

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