I am happy to say I have received another award! I’m so flattered! It was given to me by one of my favorite bloggers, Lara Schifbauer @ Motivation for Creation. Make sure you head over to her blog – she’s a great writer!

And last but not least…

And before I pass along the award, here are the questions from the award:

Favorite color: Lately I’ve really been liking the color red!
Favorite animal: Ducks…they are so cute and every spring time they make their home right outside the grocery store by my house.
Favorite number:  13…I love living dangerously.
Favorite non-alcoholic drink: Red Bull! Not Rockstar, though, that stuff gives me the shakes.
Facebook or Twitter:  Twitter…I have Facebook but I’m more attached to Twitter than Facebook.
My Passion: Always writing! My passion today, yesterday, and forever.
Getting or giving presents:  Giving for sure…My favorite part is still the wrapping. I can spend way too much on that stuff.
Favorite pattern:  Umm….what is your favorite pattern?
Favorite day of the week:  Saturday – sleeping late is everything to me.
Favorite flower:  Daisies (Although I’m ashamed to admit that I think I got that from the movie You’ve Got Mail

Okay, now for the difficult part…passing along the award! 

Samantha @ Writing Through College
Lena Winfrey Seder @ Pearl Drops on the Page
Ashley Chappell @ Notes from the Canvas
KT @ Out of My mind
Mooderino @ Moody Writing
Lorelei Bell @ Lorelei’s Writing Journal

Congratulations to the great bloggers who get this award! Make sure you check out their blog!

I hope your week is going well!

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8 thoughts on “A Blog Award!

  1. Congrats on the awards. I'm more attached to Twitter, but recently tend to be communicating with my neighbors via a Facebook group.

  2. Congrats on the award! Stopping by from the Follow Your Way Hop. Newest GFC follower.

    Cherished Handmade Treasures

  3. Congratulations on the award! It is well deserved. Thanks for sharing and letting us know more abuot you! Take care!

  4. Nicole,

    Thank you very much for giving me this award. You are really sweet! And I feel honored. Take care!

  5. Congrats on the award. I am glad to have found your blog, then it wins an award. Coincidence? Hmmm

  6. Thank you for acknowledging me with the Sunshine Award. I will post it on my sideboard and show it off.

  7. Holy cow, I'm behind! I was just about to say congrats on your award and I noticed that you were a darling and gifted me with a sunshine award, too. Now I'm looking forward to some new blogs to read!! šŸ™‚

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