Are You Open to the Power of Your Heart? #PoweroftheHeart [Book Review]

I recently received the book “Power of the Heart” by Baptist De Pape, which features content from the amazing spiritual leaders of our time. Featuring advice and reflection from Maya Angelou, Deepak Chopra, Jane Goodall, and so many more, this book will lead you back to the core, back to the heart of things, of who you are.

Over the next couple of weeks, I will be writing posts and reflections about the book and my own discoveries and insight while reading this book. I highly recommend you pre-order your copy, which you can do by visiting this link here.

One of the exercises in the book is called, “CONTEMPLATION: Walking in Silence.”

The exercise instructs you to take a walk somewhere, around your neighborhood or a nearby park, in order to quiet your mind and listen to your “heart’s voice.” 
Once you are ready, you ask your heart,  “What do you want me to know?”

As a writer, this type of contemplation is so important to the writing process. I find when I’m blocked or if I’m trying to figure out a direction for a character or I’m trying to understand meaning of a poem I’ve written, so I can revise better, allowing my own brain to shut down and searching my heart for a direction can be so enlightening. For me, this is most especially important with poetry as this writing carries an understanding that I can only truly know by connecting with my heart and find out what it knows. 
One quote by Deepak Chopra from the book stood out to me –

“It’s an old Indian story that God wanted to hide the truth and said, ‘I want to make it interesting for people and the one place I want to put it in is their hearts, because they look everywhere else, only to discover later that the truth is in their hearts.'”

I’m only on page 50 and can’t wait to share with you more about what I am reading. So far, I love the insights that Deepak Chopra gives throughout the book. 
To pre-order your copy visit the book’s website Make sure to follow the book’s Twitter page and like the book’s Facebook page as well.
This is a sponsored post for SheSpeaks and the Power of the Heart. 

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21 thoughts on “Are You Open to the Power of Your Heart? #PoweroftheHeart [Book Review]

  1. I like Chopra and of course with my book being Penniless Hearts, I'm sure you can imagine how I feel about finding the truth in your heart. Will check into this. Nice recommendation. I also enjoy poetry by Maya Angelou. BTW, it's the last day of a sale on my book–in case you're interested.

  2. I actually do that.. when i need to clear out i take a drive and park somewhere.. and i talk to myself and ask questions.. it works for me.

  3. The title itself is interesting. I haven't really read a good book in awhile. I hope it'll be available in the library soon. šŸ™‚

  4. John 14:6 – the only heart I hunger for is the heart of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ – no one else

  5. I've always believed that reflection is not only good for the writing process but also for the heart, mind and soul. Looking forward to reading your next posts about your insights on this book. Sounds like a pretty good read.

  6. Sounds like a great book! As a writer, I know the importance of going for a walk, and have found so much truth without even knowing I was seeking it. I don't even have to ask myself, "What do you want me to know?" but suddenly I am filled with all the answers anyway, or at least clues to find the answers. It is excellent advice, though.

  7. This sounds like a great book! I can't wait to see what contemplations you share with us from your inspiration from this book! Take care, Nicole!

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