Alien Conspiracy, Earth Under Threat, and A Romance

Hey writers!

Today, I’m doing things a little different…I’m taking part in a cover reveal and not only that, you will get a taste of my writing a little later on. I’m very nervous about that…

…But now for the cover reveal for book, “Gravity,” by Melissa West.

I’m drawn to this book, because I can relate to the character…somehow the combination of dangerous curiosity, falling in love with someone you shouldn’t (like…really shouldn’t) and government conspiracies appeals to me.

And here we go…

…drum roll please…

In the future, only one rule will matter:

Don’t. Ever. Peek.

Seventeen-year-old Ari Alexander just broke that rule and saw the last person she expected hovering above her bed – arrogant Jackson Locke, the
most popular boy in her school.

She expects instant execution or some kind of freak alien punishment, but instead, Jackson issues a challenge: help him, or everyone on Earth will die.

Ari knows she should report him, but everything about Jackson makes her question what she’s been taught about his kind. And against her instincts, she’s falling for him. But Ari isn’t just any girl, and Jackson wants more
than her attention. She’s a military legacy who¹s been trained by her father and exposed to war strategies and societal information no one can know – especially an alien spy, like Jackson. Giving Jackson the
information he needs will betray her father and her country, but keeping silent will start a war.

Pre-order from Amazon:

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Today’s my wonderful reminder to you writers to not forget to read! Catch my blog later on to read my short story expert as part of a blog story hop!

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