Achievements and Strengthening a Writing Weakness

In October of 2011, I wrote a short story untitled but about a “creepy circus.”

And one of the parts of writing I devoted myself to working on this year was rewriting and editing my already written stories. And you know? I have quite the collection I want to conquer this year.

And today I took a step in the right direction!

I have written draft number two of my “creepy circus” story (inspired by a suggestion my mom made to write a story with that theme!) and instead of being saved as “creepy circus” it’s now saved in my files with the title, “Smoke and Mirrors.” I can now venture into the deeper editing and strengthening the story.

I have more stories to go, but I feel good already about the strides towards writing success this year.

What are your writing weaknesses? What work are you doing to strengthen these weaknesses? 

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4 thoughts on “Achievements and Strengthening a Writing Weakness

  1. I'm guilty of this too, I have so many half-finished stories clogging up my Dropbox, I really should get to work and do something with them. Maybe I'll follow your lead …

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