unemployment story

A Relocation and an Anonymous Unemployment Story

Note: Although this was shared with me originally in 2012, I’m still touched by this person’s willingness to share their story with me. At their request, I did not disclose their name.

I used to live in New Hampshire, born, raised, and spent 29 years of my life there. The company I worked for (an affiliate [of a major web store]) decided to move to Kentucky, just outside of Cincinnati. Come to find out, they decided I could be one of the lucky ones that could keep their job if I moved with them. So, three months ago, I headed down to Kentucky to do just that; the new job would be a pay raise ($17/hr isn’t too bad for someone without a college degree, especially with how the economy is). It was different, adjusting to the culture of this place versus that of the Northeast, but hey, it was the company I have been working with for almost two years. Featured in Inc. Magazine’s Top 500 two years straight, such incredible potential!

…then they decided to re-structure. This was early November of 2012. Filing for unemployment has lead me nowhere, as I’ve not lived in Kentucky long enough to receive it (or so the woman said, though I’m not entirely sure that’s factual). Multiple staffing agencies, a myriad of applications, and countless companies I’ve sent my resume to have yielded nothing.


At my wit’s end, with a total of $37 to my name now, having the make the hard choice of food or gas to find a job. Never once in my life would I have expected such a promising opportunity to end up like this. Facing potential eviction and repossession of my car in addition to an overall lack of, well, anything, is frightening.

That’s my story, in a nutshell. But for now, time to see if The Salvation Army down here has any canned goods or if not, to see where the local soup kitchen is. Hopefully in walking distance.

You can share your unemployment by visiting my page here. You can be anonymous if you would like.

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0 thoughts on “A Relocation and an Anonymous Unemployment Story

  1. This. Sucks. What a shitty, shitty thing to do to someone. I know recruiters all over the country, if this person wants to reach out to me I’d be more than happy to help him or her located recruiters. I’m pretty good at cleaning up resumes too. I’ve been laid off 3 times since January 2009 and now, as a consultant, I know what it’s like to constantly be looking for a job and what you need to do to get one.

    1. Jess, you have made my day! Well, my writer’s day, but also mine, because I would love to see this person helped! I will pass along your information to them, and I am hoping they will get in touch with you!

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