A Book You’ll (Want to) Read In a Day [Review of Weight of Blood by Laura McHugh]

Over the weekend I had the chance to read this incredible mystery Weight of Blood by Laura McHugh. I’ve always said – I’m a sucker for a rich setting. You can almost feel the sticky, hot air of the Ozarks in this book. This says a lot about the benefits of writing what you know as its very obvious the writer knows a lot about this setting. In the book, you meet two characters, Lucy and Lila, and at first, you don’t quite understand their connection as they seem to be on two very different paths. But as the plot thickens and the mystery of the small town and the secrets that everyone hides emerge, you realize they aren’t so disconnected from each other.
This book held my interest all the way through and I couldn’t put it down. It’s been a while since I spent the weekend with my nose in a book and I was so happy to do it for this novel. I was on the edge of my seat!
The book is told from the Lucy and Lila’s points of view. They both are coming to realize the criminal activity going on in the small town and the young women that are being taken down because of these crimes. As a writer, I know how hard it is to do two different first person points of view, and I was impressed at how this writer managed to pull that off. She used different characters to share their side of the story and I loved how that provided different angles for the mystery and murder going on in the book.
As for the ending, you know I can’t give anything away, but I was really satisfied with how the ending came about. And with everything that happened to these characters, I really felt the change that came over the main character Lucy. This was a serious “coming of age” novel and the secrets that Lucy will have to carry into adulthood are heavy duty. I can only hope it’s truly over for her.
This book is set to release on March 11th and I highly urge you to mark that calendar and visit your bookstore or nearest book webstore and purchase a copy. Make sure you visit Laura McHugh’s website for more information on this amazing new author!
But best of all, I get to giveaway a copy to my readers! Contest ends March 17th.
To enter, leave a comment using three words to describe your childhood home town/city!
To earn an extra entry, follow author Laura McHugh on Twitter, @LauraSMcHugh
To earn an extra entry, follow me on Twitter, @BeingTheWriter.
To earn another extra entry, sign up to receive my blog posts via email.
For each entry, please provide a valid email address for me to contact you if you are the winner. Also, leave a comment for each entry you do so I know to count it!
I received this book in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own. I am not responsible for shipping the prize to the winner

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11 thoughts on “A Book You’ll (Want to) Read In a Day [Review of Weight of Blood by Laura McHugh]

  1. I never really stayed long in one place. My dad always moved around after 1 year of being in the same area. When I was about 13 we moved to West Palm Beach and I stayed there for a good 6 years. I miss that place: Home, Hot, Family (those are the 3 words I think of)

  2. Upstairs, apartment, city
    kastilwell at gmail dot com
    Thanks for the chance to win! It sounds like a great book!

  3. Fun, humid, and crazy. I grew up in New Orleans! whatmommiesneed at gmail dot com

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