A Book to Read if You Are Dog Person

I think it’s time I face the signs – I need to get a pet dog. This is the second book I’ve read so far this year about an inspiring pet that I have wished was my own.

Anyways, while I decide about that, I want to tell you about two charming books I read about Toby, a Chesapeake Bay retriever adopted by Charmaine Hammond and her husband Christopher. Everything started out charming enough when they first meet Toby and bring him into their family. But one thing leads to another and one day Charmaine comes home to bloody doggy prints and a house that looks wrecked by a hurricane.
Of course this moment didn’t just happen. There was other evidence of Toby’s destructive behavior, but this time it was the last straw. Toby needed a new home.
…or so they thought.
Instead, Charmaine brings in Maggie, a dog psychiatrist, who helps them see Toby’s ways and learn to live as the book is so poignantly titled,  On Toby’s Terms. Maggie suggests that Toby’s energy and over abundance in love would be best suitable for a pet therapy job.
Well, at first doubtful, Charmaine and her husband take Toby through the necessary obedience classes and training. Toby blossoms, although the destruction doesn’t seem to come to it’s much needed end.
This only scratches the surface on this touching book. Both Charmaine and her husband learn valuable life lessons on overcoming difficulties, acceptance, and most of all, love. I adored this book and feel like I know Toby myself. For anyone who owns a dog, wants a dog, likes dogs, or can just understand the love and impact that a pet can have on your life, you will want to read On Toby’s Terms by Charmaine Hammond.

Not to mention, the adorable follow up of the children’s book, Toby and His Hospital Friends by Charmaine Hammond. The story engages children to understand the purpose of a pet therapy dog and how much one furry friend can impact the lives of so many.
I am also glad to announce that the author Charmaine Hammond is letting me giveaway a copy of both books to one of my blog readers! Just leave a comment with your name and email to enter!/b>
Make sure to check out Charmaine’s website to find out additional details on her book! Also, come by tomorrow for my interview with Charmaine, where you will also find out info on the movie coming out!
Disclaimer: A special thank you to Charmaine Hammond for giving me a complimentary copy of both books in exchange for an honest review.

**Update: I am proud to announce that Shelly is the winner!! **

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4 thoughts on “A Book to Read if You Are Dog Person

  1. How beautiful. I will definitely mark this as a to-read in my goodreads account. It sounds like a wonderful book unique in the already-published-dog-book world. Speaking of, have you read The Art of Racing in the Rain? Pretty awesome.

    Happy seeing beautiful!

  2. It just so happens that I have a dog named Toby. He can go into small snits of bad behavior if I neglect him for too long. Thanks for sharing/

  3. Thanks for the great conversations on the book, and the great book review. Toby was a great teacher for us, teaching us about purpose, persistence, patience, and the power of unconditional love. My greatest joy was watching how something magical happened when Toby worked as a Therapy dog in a local mental health hospital. This changed his life, and also ours. He gave us much to write about. His story is in development to become a major motion picture…. who knew this dog who broke toilet tank lids and sat in sinks would impact thousands of people….

    I loved that book the Art of Racing in the Rain too.

    Charmaine Hammond
    Author, On Toby's Terms

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