5 Libraries and Bookstores on My ‘Must Visit’ List

Okay, I have a fascination and love for libraries (and bookstores). I happen to be near one of the largest independent bookstores in the United States (yay Powell’s Books!).

And now I’m spoiled.I want more. More. MORE.

So, I went in search of some library porn. No, not an erotic novel. But amazing, beautiful libraries that I want to visit one day. I don’t have a lot of money to travel right now, so I may as well put that rumored library on Mars on my list (hey, we have no real proof that there ISN’T a library on Mars – so why not just believe that there is?).

1) Livraria Lello & Irmao 

Also known as one of the most beautiful libraries in the world.

Can’t you guys just see me descending down that unbelievable staircase with an exotic gown with a long trail and white doves flying in back of me like some goddess…sorry, right, the books.

It is technically a bookstore, but it’s considered one of the most beautiful in the world. It’s located in Portugal and has been open since 1906.

2) Shakespeare and Company

Okay, also not a library – but how can I not visit a bookstore created after ANOTHER bookstore (now closed down) where famous writers such as Ernest Hemingway visited (the original closed down during German’s occupation of Paris and never reopened).

To me, this is bookstore heaven. I known it looks cramped, but I love that style. I could spend hours – HOURS – browsing/buying/maxing out my credit cards – in this place.

3) The Willard Library

I want to visit this library – not for it’s architecture or it’s connection to a famous writer – this library is haunted.

YES and there is even a website you can go to where this a Ghost Cam. You can see if you spot the ghost.

I know where I’ll be going first if I win the lottery tonight. Heh heh.

4) Stockholm Library

There are two reasons I want to visit this library. First of all, it’s gorgeous inside. It reminds me of that scene in Disney’s Beauty and the Beast where the Beast shows Belle his library. This looks like that library –

There is a second reason I want to visit this library. Some time ago, the Architecture School of Paris designed this “wall of knowledge”  – 
Unfortunately, it doesn’t exist. But this should be built – although I’m fairly certain I’d have to cling to someone as I walk across a walkway to get to the actual books because I’d fear I would fall to my death.
5) Kosovo Public Library

Last not but not least, one of the ugliest libraries in the world – the Kosovo National Library
Okay, this is one of those libraries that I had the worst time finding information about – but it was posted on Reddit and the best information I found out about it was on someone’s blog
This is the creepiest building I’ve ever seen and I have to see it. I’m just not sure I feel like I could go inside of it – it’s a little freaky.
Okay that’s my list! Are there any libraries or bookstores on your “must visit” list?

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32 thoughts on “5 Libraries and Bookstores on My ‘Must Visit’ List

  1. These are all amazing! The only other library I could think of that I would want to visit is THE Library 51st Century. But before it was over run by the Vashta Nerada of course. And just in case you don't watch Doctor Who, The Library is an entire planet that contains all the books ever written on every world ever populated. How cool is that?

  2. I think I'd like to visit the library at Hogwarts. 🙂 It's funny, I don't think to visit libraries when I travel. Bookstores, yes but not libraries. Will have to change that. 🙂

    Happy A-Z!

    1. Hogwarts!!!! God that's for sure, I'd love to see that place!

      And libraries would be a very unique aspect to add to traveling! 🙂

  3. Those are awesome. I would never think to visit libraries. I don't think I would ever get my daughter to leave. But, this gives me ideas for something to do on vacation.

  4. Awesome pictures! I so want to visit these. I'd probably never leave. That Ghost Cam is a fun idea. That library might be at the top of my list.

  5. As a bibliophile, that is like porn. Those are on my list as well. At least now they are! 😉

    Tim Brannan
    The Other Side and The Witch
    Red Sonja: She-Devil with a Sword
    The Freedom of Nonbelief

  6. I also love libraries and books, which explains why I am a librarian. After working in libraries for sixteen years, I have learned to appreciate the practical aspects of a library building as well as the aesthetic. Rounded walls may be beautiful, but they are not always practical – where do you hang things??? And stop putting climb-able fixtures in children's sections! It's a nightmare to monitor.

  7. My Four –
    Trinity Library, Dublin, Ireland. The best smell (OLD BOOKS smell grand!)and most beautiful oak decor.

    Kilarney Bookstore, Kilarney, Ireland. tiny but gigantic in service, and the number of books in the smallest spot!

    Chamblin Bookmine, Jacksonville, Florida. FOOTBALL fields of used books!! You can get lost in the place!

    Schuler Books, Grand Rapids, Michigan. Close to home, a lovely place to crash – comfy couches and chairs everywhere. A great coffee shop. MY choices of books to carry with a fabulous section of used books, DVDs, and CDs too!

  8. Wow, just think of the amount of books in these places. I could spend days in them! In fact, you could probably take a holiday in the library alone. Would that be allowed? Hmmm. Great stuff x

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