Flash Fiction Photo Prompt – Are You Inspired?

Some exciting things are happening around these parts! More to come later, but it’s so fun to see how this weekly prompt has evolved (and will evolve!).  Anyways, I’m hoping to get some time to respond ta a prompt this week…and I hope you do too! Leanne has the reigns this week, so here we go!


Aw yeah! It’s Wednesday which means two awesome things:

1) We’re halfway to Friday!

2) It’s time for the Writer Wednesday photo prompt!

We have two story submissions from last week’s photo, and you should definitely read them. 🙂

X Marks the Spot by Carrie Sorensen

Low Risk, High Value by Leanne Sype

Whether we have two stories or 12 stories, we love them all and invite you to join the blog hop community. It’s a great way to meet fellow writers, exercise your fiction-challenge writing muscles, and let others know about your blog.

Here’s a little button to add to your site if you like being a part of the blog hop:


Alrighty… here’s a brief rundown of how all this works:

1) Use the photo and the 5 words provided in your story

2) Keep your word count 500 words or less.

3) You have until Tuesday to link up your post.

4) Link up with your blog hostess (Nicole, Carrie, Tena or Leanne) when you’re done via the inLinkz linky below.

5) Have fun, don’t stress, let those creative juices flow.

And now for this week’s photograph:

Child in Awe
(Randomly generated) Mandatory Words:


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2 thoughts on “Flash Fiction Photo Prompt – Are You Inspired?

  1. A Pew Research Center report indicated that online social networking have become political hotspots in the United States.

  2. This is my first week participating in Wednesday Blog Hop and I'm #6 on the Submission Page but how do I link up with one of the Blog Hosts? Sorry, very new to blogging!

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