It’s Wednesday again! We’re that much closer to Friday. It’s exciting around these blog hop parts because we will be having an announcement coming up for everyone who has participated at all this year. Make sure to stay tuned!

Here’s the stories we got from last week. Make sure to go by and read the creative work everyone has done! –

With Time to Spare by CR Fowler

A Chat at Sunseta by Scott Taylor

Nachos, A Glass of Wine, and a Memory by Tena Carr

Leaving by HJ Musk

1) Write a story using both photos.

2) Keep your word count to 500 words or less.

3) Submit your completed story to your blog hostess (Nicole, Carrie, Tena or Leanne) via the inLinkz linky below. (If you need a bit of help with this step, just leave a comment and well get you linked up!)

4) You have the next week to post.

5) Have fun, dont stress, let those creative juices flow!

Here are your photo –

Scary (2752359285)


And here’s the link up when you’re ready!

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