Conversations With An Ex is Bad For You – A Bit of Short Fiction

I knew it was him the second he sat down beside me. I
smelled his cologne. I took a peak from my paper and there he was. His
newspaper was pulled close to his face since he had poor vision and hated
wearing glasses. A lot of our lazy Sundays were spent with me reading the smaller
print and teasing him about what it would be like when we got old. I pulled the
paper closer to my face as tears welled in my eyes.
“Tara?” He noticed me.
I pulled my sunglasses over my eyes, put my paper down
and plastered on a phony smile. This moment would definitely go in my diary.  “Roger! Good to see you!”
He covered up his left hand. He got married three
weeks ago and he didn’t think I knew. Thanks to Facebook it took me less than a
week to discover his brand new wife and both of them
posing for the camera. That was supposed to be my life.
“How are you doing?” He asked with a whisper like
I was dying.
“Good, good. I hear you got married.” I decided
not to make this a comfortable moment. He ducked his head and rubbed
the back of his neck as if I was accusing him of stealing cookies.
“I did, I did. I can’t believe it either.” He
chuckled like I told him a joke. Why can’t the bus come? “How’s
Idle conversation with an ex can kill you. Did you know
that? “It’s fine. Journalism is always the same. Always trying to find the
next lead.”
There was an awkward pause as he tried to find something
else to ask me. I looked down the road for my escape.  With no bus in sight, I decided to ask him
what I really wanted to know. “Where did you guys meet?”
His eyes narrowed and he pressed his lips together to form a
straight line. “Tara…”
“No, I want to know.” I was sincere too. I wanted
to know where he could have met someone to marry when I couldn’t stand the idea
of moving on.
“Office Depot. I was shopping for a printer.”  He checked his watch. I wondered if he sat
down just because he saw me here.
I laughed but it was
more of a gasp and a cry. The sound of rumbling caught my attention and I
noticed my bus headed my way. I stood. He did too. He reached to hug me but I
stepped away.  The bus paused in front of
the stop and the doors breathed open. I took a step towards it and didn’t look
back when he called my name.  I flashed
the driver my pass and headed to a seat in the back next to a man doing a
crossword puzzle. For the moment, I was glad for the sunny day so I could keep
my sunglasses on. 
This was my entry into the Writer Wednesday Blog Hop that I host each week that gives you a 500 word limit, one photo and five words to include. Make sure to check back tomorrow for the new writing prompt! The required words for last week are in bold.

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20 thoughts on “Conversations With An Ex is Bad For You – A Bit of Short Fiction

  1. I especially love the 'like I was dying." It gives me such a vivid impression of exactly how his voice must have sounded!

    1. Thanks! The nice thing about doing this prompt each week is that I swear my skills are getting better!

  2. This is the kind of situation I wouldn't want to be in. Good story! 🙂
    Thanks for hosting this blog hop and for leaving a comment on my piece. I had so much fun doing it. Looking forward to the next prompt.

  3. Ni Nicole. Thanks for hosting the Writers Wednesday Blog Hop. I love these 500 word challenges. Gets my creativity going. I look forward to participating each week. Great story as well. I love how all of us saw the photo so different.

    1. Thanks Sydney! And thank you for joining in! I love reading what people come up with! Everyone is so creative!!

  4. Oh man. I think a lot of us have been there. Good job making it realistic while also telling the story in a wonderful way. Great job!!

    1. Ack no kidding right? One of those wish I could disappear moments! Thanks for the compliment on my story!

  5. Nice story! Short but pithy. Very bad situation to be in. Very awkward, but I like how the girl handled it in the story. Great job!

  6. I loved this story. Just enough detail to know exactly how the characters were feeling. In one way or another we've all been there.

    1. Yup definitely! Ahh the memories of relationships long past that we wish could have worked!

  7. Great story. I would have never asked any details about the about the spouse if in the same situation. I would have made small talk until the bus arrived.

    1. Hehe…wow good for you! I'm not sure I could manage small talk…I've definitely done the ask about a current relationship with an ex. Not smart, of course. But I've done it.

  8. thats a real good story. mines a big error. i love the dialogue conversations and the fb stuff you spoke about. lol!

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