Welcome back to Writer Wednesday Blog Hop! If you missed last week, the prompt photo and five words are still open for you to link up. There were just a couple people who went through with the prompt, so make sure you check out their post. Carrie K. Sorensen had an amazing post on her blog story called, “Picassa’s Bridge” . And then of course, feel free to check out mine. And not to mention, Randy Lindsay’s blog who also took part in the post!

And joining me again is Carrie K Sorensen at Chasing Revery and Jane Bussey at A Writer’s Muses!

And just to throw this out there, if anyone else wants to co-host, let us know in the comments! There more that get involved the better!


So here are the rules:

1) There will be one photo, and five words – both of those elements must be a feature in the brief story you create.
2) There is also a 500 word maximum.
3) You have until the next Wednesday to create your post.
4) When you have finished your post, come back here and link up below and let me (or whoever your blog host is) know in the comments that you have done so!
5) I was going to tell you to not take this too seriously, but reconsidered it because I know full well asking writers to write something means that they will take it seriously. So, take it seriously, but don’t fret/panic/pass out/hyperventalate/lose sleep/run in fear over it.

The Photo (Taken from This Link)
Big wheel
Words (Randomly generated from this link)

  1. Asylum
  2. Miner
  3. Remote Control
  4. Spine
  5. Swimming
Now, you can create a dialogue, short story, a brief scene, description, poem, or anything else you can think of, but remember – it has to be less than 500 words and you have to use the five words above. And it has to relate to the photo in some way!
Don’t forget – you have until the blog hop next week to make up a post. So, feel free to come back to this post between now and then.

I will post my own little something following this, and to be fair, I won’t actually start writing this until the blog hop is posted.

And as usual, feel free to take a button to promote the hop:

Writer Wednesday Blog Hop Button!
writing, writers, blogs

Click and copy this code

Have a post ready? Post your link below! 

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5 thoughts on “Writer Wednesday Blog Hop

  1. Nicole, what a gorgeous photo to write for. I'm just getting caught up from a weekend out of town. This was last weekend, so I don't know how I missed it. Bookmarking! 😀

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