So, the other day I was struck with this thought:

I have nothing to write for my blog.

I couldn’t believe it. I had been going so well for so long when I realized I had nothing to say, I was so frustrated. I can’t just go to my blog and talk about nothing (although the thought did cross my mind…)

So, rather than torment myself over it, I went to one of my latest writing projects — a short story that has been rewritten so many times I can’t even count (and yes, I know, soon I will have to let it go and say it has officially reached, “The End.”)

After a few pages into the story, I suddenly got the idea for a blog post — ironically, I can’t remember it at the moment — and I jotted down that idea, which resulted in two more ideas coming into my head. And then I realized something…

This is why every writer needs a blog.

But to tell you the truth, I didn’t start out blogging to help my writing.

I started blogging because I got sick of hearing the “blogger success stories.” You know the ones…it’s those urban myth tales of someone reaching publication or making enough money from their blog that they don’t  have to work (not to mention how cool it sounds when someone says that they blog).

When I heard these stories, I kept thinking to myself, “I am a good writer…I can do this!” So, whether these stories were true or not, when June came around, I started a blog. And I knew that the one topic I would have a lot to talk about — writing — would be the focus of my blog. And as I went along with my blog, I kept thinking that if I was writing on my blog about my writing…well, I would have to write, right? I can’t write about writing if I’m not writing (okay, I’m getting confused now.)

And now three months have passed…and when I hit that “blogger” block or “writing” block, if you even
believe in that…I didn’t want to fight it or push myself too hard to find an idea…I just started to work on something else.

And I wrote.

At this point, I have begun to realize that my writing is now developing a strange relationship with my blog. For a few reasons…first, I want to keep my blog up and current and I don’t want to have a ton of time go by where I’m not blogging.

I’ll just feel bad and I’ve learned that guilt makes the anti-muse stronger. So, if I want to keep up my blog and have something to say…I have to write.

And you know what? When I can talk about new writing projects on my blog, whether they are perfect or not, finished or not, I feel even more inspired to write. So, I guess you can say that if I want to write…I have to blog.

I know that nothing is so cut and dry and I know that this intrinsic balance of finding time to do all this is work all by itself…but I’m closer to my dream today than I have ever been. I can feel it.

So, if you write. You should blog.

Write about writing.

Even if you think everything has been said before.

Even if you worry about not having enough to say.

Even if you worry no one will read what you write.

Even if you worry that you won’t have the time.

And you know what? It may just be me, but don’t you have those same doubts when you really start to write?

And if you can conquer those doubts on this type of smaller platform…Then you can conquer those doubts
when they come up later on.

And when you do? You know how it will feel?

Well, something like this —

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14 thoughts on “Why Every Writer Needs A Blog

  1. Nicole, I agree blogging is a great tool. For one, it gives you exposure and two, it give you practice. It can spur your creative juices.

  2. I completely agree. Blogging really keeps me going, especially in those time where I struggle to keep writing. I feel that as long as I can keep the ideas flowing for my blog, I can also keep myself going for my other literary works. Plus, the community that blogging can provide you with can be essential to success.

    There's such a massive writing community in the blogosphere that it's next to impossible NOT to find someone you have things in common with and people that can teach you new things and help you better yourself.

    – Nick

  3. Everyone needs a blog C: I don't know why I actually started blogging; It just happened somehow. Love what you blog, blog what you love C: Cliche much? Probably .But it makes a lot of sense, and i think blogging is pretty darn helpful:)

  4. Blogging is a great way to share our thoughts and expertise as well as inspire us. This is a great post and you have made some excellent points. Great video as well 🙂

  5. You wrote that you didn't want to blog about nothing, but a lot of bloggers write a lot about nothing. I started my blog because I've heard that editors and agents like to see potential clients with an internet presence before agreeing to take them on as clients, so voila.


  6. I like blogging too, but it no longer drives me since my exposure has never been much. I do it mostly for me and mess often these days.

    Like you I also re-write when I can't think of anything to write. (And I sometimes re-post them too! Kind of a, "look what I did thing I believe… 🙂

  7. First of all, wait 'til you've been blogging for over a year. The topics are harder to come by. But I do agree. And I try not to sweat about it too much. I jot down blog post ideas all the time so I usually have something to write about. I, too, only write about writing, about querying, about following my dream to publication. A blog is a must if you want to be published these days. But did you catch Rachelle Gardner's post today (10.03.11) about just this thing? The stats she said we should try to achieve are insane. We'd never have time to write if we had to work that hard at blogging.

  8. @J.L. Murphey – Yes!! That is for sure. And it is SUCH good writing practice!!

    @Nick Rolynd – Good point, if I can be good with my blog and keep that up, than writing my short stories, or novels or what not, are more possible to me. Even thoughit can be scary to know how much in common we are, it is so comforting too! It helps me write to know that there are other writer's out there going through the same thing!

    @Cliche is just fine to me!! 🙂 Yup, love what you blog, blog what you love! It is a must!!

    @Josh Hoyt – Thank you for reading!!

    @Joyce Lansky – Very true!! Many writer's do write about that! To each their own, I guess! Thank you for reading!!

    @Rebecca E. – yup!! That's so great!! Happy Blogging!

    @My Meddling Mind – Thank you for reading!! I'm so glad you found me!!

    @The Desert Rocks – YES!!!!

    @Ciss B. – That's okay to me!! It's important to just keep up the practice! hey, reposting isn't a bad idea! It's a refreshing of ideas! 🙂

    @Nancy Thompson – ooh, I can imagine!! I try to use popculture to keep up the ideas…(see my latest post on Dancing with the Stars to see what I mean…ha ha ha). That post is not surprising! I wouldn't write if I spent as much as I needed to have "true" blogger success.

  9. I couldn't agree more. Blogging provided the opportunity to practice, to rewrite and edit. I work on every post for at least a week, refining it dozens of times per day. Today I was given the ultimate compliment when a woman asked, where else are you published? Do you have a book? You are a fantastic writer.

    When I set out to blog I decided it would be best to focus on a topic, so I chose gardening. This provides me with great material from personal experience. I'm getting so that my goal is to create little narratives, not just another boring "how to" blog.

  10. I've really enjoyed this post. I'm going through a lull with my writing enthusiasm at the moment and this has been a good pick-me-up so thank you.

    New follower.

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