10 Sites to Visit If You Are Stumped for Blog Ideas

Although many of my blogging peeps would tell me only to blog when you are inspired, I thought about those times when you want to blog despite the lack of something to say. For those times, I made a list of sites that can inspire you to rev up those blogging engines and help you get some words out to the blog-u-verse.

1) StumbleUpon

A nearly forgotten realm of the internet, StumbleUpon features content after content of people who DID know what to say and said it well. Sometimes this can make me feel even more blocked, but sometimes on the rare occasion it will help me figure out something to say on my blog.

For example, I wouldn’t have thought of this post if it hadn’t been for going to StumbleUpon.

2) PsychologyToday.com

What is blogging but an expression of what goes on inside of our heads and our lives? I have found many blog post inspirations after reading articles on this site and I’m sure there are questions you can discover here that can only be answered via blog post.

3) Your Old Blog Posts

Remember that post you wrote three years ago about amazing apps you could use for social networking, blogging, or creative writing? The wonderful thing about technology is that what was popular three years ago is more than likely obsolete or vastly changed by now.

So brush off that old post about your favorite pieces of old school tech and rewrite it about your must-have new school tech. A lot can change in even just a year, including habits and lifestyles, so don’t be afraid to write about them again too.

4) Read Other Blogs

If I’m uninspired on my own blog, I’ll often check out the blogs of my fellow writers and see what they have to say. Sometimes another person’s post will strike a chord so hard that I’ll have to branch off their comment page and talk about my opinion on my blog.

5) See What’s Trending

I think the two places that are the best to check for what’s trending is Google Trends and Twitter Trends. For me, I’m most active on Twitter and it just makes sense that I would check there first. And with Google, well you’re most likely to catch wind of what people are searching at any given moment and that really matters if you want to come up in their search results.

Figuring out what’s trending can help inspire you to either talk about that subject or at least do a spin off post.

6) Take Advantage of Your “Media Collecting” Sites

If you are even a LITTLE active on sites like IMDB (Internet Movie Database), Goodreads, YouTube, or any other sites where you have a history of what you’ve read, watched, looked at, etc. you can easily use these sites to give you content to talk about. Heck, if you can’t think of what to say, just write a review about the last book you’ve read or movie you’ve watched.

7) Visit AskReddit and Answer The Question On Your Blog.

I am a huge fan of reddit and there’s all KINDS of places that give you inspiration for content. I highly recommend out of all of the forums on the website that you visit the Ask Reddit forum. You don’t even need to log into the site to get inspired. From best tear-jerker video game endings to five words that can ruin a date, you are bound to figure out something to say to the world if you wander to this site for even a few minutes.

8) Visit the blog The Daily Post.

There’s probably more of them out there, but this is one I keep my eye on regularly. They have a daily prompt and after you create your post you can share yours with the masses (and read what everyone else had to say). By visiting this site, you never will lack for content.

9) Visit OneMinuteWriter.com

This is another one of those sites that offer up writing prompts. It’s a little bit exclusive to the “writing about writing” crowd, but it isn’t ENTIRELY about the writing process, so if you don’t consider yourself a creative writing writer, but definitely a blogger, I highly recommend it.

10). Utilize Pinterest

I put Pinterest last because I think it can distract more than it can inspire, but whether or not you have an account, I recommend you check out these blogging prompt pins people have already found for us! Just visit this link and click on the pins to gain access to the prompts and voila! You have yourself some blog-spiration.

What inspires your blog posts if you don’t know what to write?

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20 thoughts on “10 Sites to Visit If You Are Stumped for Blog Ideas

  1. When in doubt… post cats!

    I don't really have problems with getting ideas for writing blogs. And for my photoblog, it's just a matter of having a few days worth of photographs on hand to post ahead.

  2. Great list of places to find some inspiration. I always go to my most popular posts and try to do similar things. Everybody gets writer's block at some point so this will be a great resource!

  3. Great tips!! I'm trying to make myself a calendar for this year on ideas to try and get more traffic. Fingers crossed!

  4. Thank you for posting this! I also struggle with the 'should I' or 'shouldn't I' post until I am truly inspired. But usually, when I can find the time- it is a good idea to get your thoughts out there!

  5. What a wonderful Blogger's writing block resource! Thanks for sharing. I definitely get ideas whenever I leaf through my favorite magazines šŸ™‚

  6. I love your ideas! They're different than many of the other lists I've seen. I headed over to AskReddit first, but I'll be sure to check out the other ideas!

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