10 Scary Movies I Would Hate to be Stuck In

scary movies, horror movies

I have to say that I love a good scary movie. And the horror genre is one of my favorites to take a look at! (Except when it’s gory. I hate that.) So there’s a few movies out there that I’ve thought to myself, “I’d be miserable from the get go in that movie.” Or some that have just stayed with me long after the movie has been done. So I was thinking about this lately – the movies I would absolutely HATE to be stuck in. Here’s my ten –

1) Blair Witch Project

This classic movie that introduced the whole faux found footage to the horror genre. It isn’t one of my favorites though and I have to tell if I managed to be stuck in this movie, it would be horrible. And horrible not because of the Blair Witch rumors. For me, I hate the woods and I don’t like camping. I’m really sure I would make everything worse.

Check it out on IMDB.
Watch it now on Amazon 

2) Nightmare on Elm Street

Although this is a movie on my “watch list”, I’m a little nervous about the whole idea of someone coming into your dreams and killing you in your dream for real. The whole concept would be pretty awful for me especially, because I dream so vividly. So, this one may be a must see but would be horrid for me to be stuck in.

Check it out on IMDB.
Watch now on Amazon.

3) Devil

It’s one of the movies I really like, but you know what has recently changed my mind completely about whether or not I’d like to be stuck in the movie? This story about a woman in China who died after being stuck in an elevator for a month. Read about it here.

So considering the idea of not only being stuck in an elevator on a high rise, just think about the company you’ll be keeping in THIS movie.

Check this out on IMDB.
Watch now on Amazon.

4) Cloverfield

My favorite monster movie! I am sort of a sucker for found footage horror movies too. And I’m really looking forward to seeing this movie’s follow up 10 Cloverfield Lane (although not TECHNICALLY a sequel). But I wouldn’t want to be stuck in this movie because aside from the fact that the entire city is under attack by a monster, I would NOT want to face those horrid underground spiders!

Check it out on IMDB.
Watch it on Amazon.

5) The Exorcist

The music for this movie is awesome, but there’s a little too much in this movie for me to want to even be stuck in it for a minute. Reading the book is as close as I want to get!

6) It Follows

The concept of this movie is creepy – you sleep with someone and then the curse they’ve been carrying has passed along to you. The curse? Some creepy looking monster people only you can see start to come after you! Scary. I saw this one last year and it was VERY good. But it gave me a nightmare and so that killed the whole idea of me wanting to be stuck in the movie. The idea of someone unseen coming after me *shudder*. No thank you.

7) The Conjuring

I really like this movie and I love the transition from a pleasant happy start to something very disturbing and all consuming. One scene that gets me every time – that I still think about as I sleep – was when that one girl is in her room and smells something really nasty and then the ghost or SOMETHING near her bed starts tugging at her feet. Watch it here –

So no-go on this movie. I could not be stuck in this one!

Check it out on IMDB.
Watch it now on Amazon.

8) The Strangers

So I live in an apartment complex. So you wouldn’t think I’d be this freaked out by this movie. But you know what? Any time I hear a neighbor come home late at night, I always think of this movie and how horrid it would be for some weirdo to knock on the door – AND NOT LEAVE. This would be way too terrifying and I don’t think I’d be much help here.

Check it out on IMDB.
Watch now on Amazon.

9) The Mist

I think I’m most afraid of movies that include large mutant insects. This is one of them. I wouldn’t want to be in this movie AT ALL. I do like it though, although [SPOILER] the ending was VERY stupid.

Check it out on IMDB.
Watch now on Amazon.

10) The Descent

Not a movie I have seen yet, but I know I wouldn’t do well in this movie at all. The whole cave thing and spelunking and then you have these terrible awful things after you. *shudder*

Check it out on IMDB.
Watch now on Amazon.

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17 thoughts on “10 Scary Movies I Would Hate to be Stuck In

  1. Of these, the best would be The Exorcist.

    I think I would not want to be in Cloverfield- for a different reason. I'd be stuck with that irritating twit behind the camera. Took the whole bloody movie to off him…

  2. What a great list of scary movies. Some I have seen and some I haven't. I wouldn't want to be stuck in any of these movies. I would die of a heart attack.

  3. I love the gory scarry movie. I am so disapointed with any that aren't a R rated movie. The best needs blood and body parts. I'm a fan a night of the living dead movies and of course the SAW series is the BEST.

  4. We went to see The Conjuring when it first came out and in the beginning the movie kept breaking down. Very scary.

  5. Thank you for this list of amazing scary movies. I remember watch and every one of them. Your post brang back memories.

  6. I agree with a lot of these. Im a huge horror fan but cannot decide which scenario would be the worst for me. All the possession or demon-themed scare me the most I think.

  7. Lol! Such a unique topic! I am a huge horror fan, so this made me laugh my butt off (out loud) at work!! Thank you for posting!

  8. I love watching scary movies.My kids know when they walk in the room I always have one on so I like your list too.

  9. I haven't seen any of these movies! I'm ok with a scary movie, as long as there isn't blood, guts or violence, so that probably leaves most of these out. I'm too squeamish, even though they are probably really great.

  10. I am not a big horror fan. I used to be. I don't know why I stopped liking them. I think that maybe it is because they have gotten way too gory and right now, this world is scary enough!!

  11. love scary movies so i would love to be stuck in some of these except blair witch and cloverfield cuz i havent seen cloverfield and i hate blair witch

  12. I'm a big horror movie fan myself. The Descent is a really good movie. I've never heard of 'It Follows'. Definitely going to have to watch it. I can watch any and all horror movies….with the exception of the Nightmare of Elm Street series. Freddy and the whole idea of dying in my sleep traumatized me as a child.

  13. I watch and read horror. Out ofall of them, I wouldnt want to be in the Blair Witch Project. I would end up choking them all because it was so darn irritating and stupid. I am sorry some like it, but to me it was a bunch of hooey.

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